Chapter 10

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{Kai's POV}

We all jumped out of the van with our manager and entered the mansion. We were lead to a big beautiful room decorated with tables everywhere and a little stage at the far end of the room. There were people everywhere chatting amongst each other, all dressed glamorous with formal wear.

The members and I were greeted and lead to where we were going to be seated which was not so far from where the stage was. "Such a magnificent house I must say" Suho said while observing the room and garden outside the window. Some of the other members went to get some drinks while the ones that remained chattered with each other.

I notice Taemin talking with Hyoyeon and Minho so got off from my seat and walked to them, Sehun followed as well. "Looking pretty sharp there you two" Taemin said as we joined them.

"Not too bad yourself Taemin, you too hyung" Sehun replied while talking a glass of champagne from Minho hyung.

"Looking gorgeous as always noona" I complimented Hyoyeon as she filled up another glass and gave it to me.

"Ehh, no wonder you're my favorite Kai" she said while we all clinked our glasses together. We stood there chattering for a while until our attention turned to the stage.

The chairman was saying a few words and introduced some people to everyone. I looked over to them and saw that Lee Sang Jae was one of them. Sehun gave me a smirk which was then gone when I quickly whispered to him "I think her and Taemin had history, don't do this here Sehun" He immediately shook his head and understood giving me a 'next time' look.

"Look Taemin there she is... waahh she sure did change over the years" Minho said while looking over at them. "I second that... come on let's go to her" Hyoyeon said while heading over to see her with Minho.

Taemin stayed behind still drinking his drink until he finished it "Aren't you gonna go and say hello to her Taemin?" I asked as he quickly sculled down another glass.

"Yeah I am...  ahhhh... she's probably gonna slap me or shout at me for not seeing her all these years" Taemin said which made me wonder more if they are more than just close friends or acquaintances. "Come on, let's go" Taemin said while placing his cup back onto the side bench.

"Tell me wha-" I was going to ask him what relationship he had with her but he was already walking towards her.

Sehun and I followed him but stayed back a bit and watched. She was talking to Minho and Hyoyeon, introducing her friend to them. Sehun was staring at the girl being introduced, looking as if he saw the most beautiful creature on earth. I can tell he finds her attractive and smirked at him while turning my gaze back at Sang Jae.

Her smile, I could watch her smile all day if I could. She was absolutely stunning! Her white long dress brought out her curves and her hair was long and wavy that fell down to her waist. When I saw Taemin approaching them, her pretty almond eyes widen at the sight of him...

{Sang Jae's POV}

I was about to sit down and eat when I was suddenly called out from behind. I turned to find Hyoyeon unnie with Minho oppa heading towards me. I placed my plate, phone and purse down on the table and turned to face them.

"Sang Jae, you look fabulous in that dress, you must give me it!" Hyoyeon said as she gave me a cheek kiss "I'm sorry unnie, I can't, it's not even mine to give" I said to her when I turned to the tall boy standing behind her.

"Annyeong-haesayo Minho oppa" I went to give him a hug as he chuckled "What have you been eating over there Sang Jae, I remember when you was only this high, you look great!" he said to me while motioning our height difference. I grew a bit over the years, let's just say I'm an average height, not too short and not too tall.

"Where are the other members?" I asked him "They're somewhere around here, you're bound to run into them sooner or later, I was just with your cousin, he's over there... hmm well he was" Minho oppa said while pointing towards somewhere.

"Hey is she your friend? The one you were talking about?" Hyoyeon said while motioning to Hazel. That's right I forgot to introduce Hazel to them. "Hey, Hazel come here. I would like you to meet my close friends Choi Minho and Kim Hyoyeon. Unnie, Oppa this is my best friend Hazel Chang" I introduced both of them to each other.

"It's good to finally meet you Hazel, I heard you study Dance with Sang Jae in college? Pretty impressive" Hyoyeon greeted Hazel.

"Chang? Are you perhaps related to Jimmy Chang?" Minho asked.

"Ne, I do study it, also Music as well with Jae and yes he's my cousin, do you know of him?" Hazel said

"We meet during a concert one time, he's a really funny bloke I must say" Minho said while remembering how he met Hazel's cousin

"He has that affect on people, he would always liven up the mood whatever the occasion is" Hazel added on. We chattered a bit more until I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see a very handsome young man smiling at me with his arms open.

"Annyeong S Jae!" the boy said to me.

I widened my eyes at the sight of him and jumped at him giving him a big hug. "Taemin Oppa!!!" I screamed while making a few people look at us.

He laughed and swung me around in an embrace "My dear S Jae, it's been a while hasn't it? You still sing and dance? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" Taemin said while placing me back on two feet.

I put my pointy finger to his lips "Zip it, I'll explain later arraso? But first I'd like you to meet my best friend Hazel" I introduced Hazel to my cousin. I felt that someone was looking at me so I searched around to see who but didn't spot anyone.

{Kai's POV}

I saw how happy Sang Jae and Taemin were being so I headed back to my seat. Sehun was still looking at Sang Jae's friend and didn't even know I left him.

"What is with the sad face Kai?" Xuimin asked making me change my expression and tell him it was nothing.

"He's jealous... look" Lay said while pointing towards Sang Jae and Taemin.

"Pfft, I have no time to be jealous and why would I be? She's Taemin's girl, I'm no girlfriend stealer especially if it's my best friend's girl" I said stating that she's out of bounds. The members understood and left it.

Sehun came back and sighed as he sat down "Now what's wrong with him?" D.O asked as Sehun just blankly stared at him.

"You see the girl next to Sang Jae over there? He's the one who is in love here, not me" I said while showing the girl who was making our dear maknae gloomy.

Sehun sighed again "I not going to deny it but I think I am..." Sehun said so dramatically making all of us laugh at his sudden confession. "

She's pretty, you should go over and talk to her Sehun" Chanyeol said to him "Yeah! Be a man and go over there" "Fighting!" they encouraged him on. Sehun rolled his eyes and ignored them and got up to go get something to eat.

I looked over to Sang Jae and Taemin and was once more enchanted by her beautiful smile. She saw me looking at her and for some reason she spilled her drink on the floor a bit. I chuckled at her clumsiness and gave her one last smile before turning away to talk to the members.

- ooooo so Sehun has a fancy in Hazel hmmm? ;) Keep reading for more ...

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