Mount Rageous Chase

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MC: All right, Rageons. Now is the moment we've all been waiting for. Everyone put your hands up for Lifer Award recipients, that tantalizing twosome, Velvet and Veneer!

Velvet and Veneer arrive at the Rage Dome Show.

Mount Rageon #1: I love you!

Velvet: Thank you!

Veneer: (laughs)

Velvet: We love you too! Okay, how's my aura? Confident yet grateful to your teachers and everyone who got you here tonight?

Velvet: That's what I'm going for.

They take a few pictures and sign some autographs and are confronted by Rhonda.

Bat-Troll: Velvet and Veneer! Give me back my BroZone.

Poppy: Yeah! What he said!

Velvet: You don't know what you're talking about, Troll.

Poppy: You're stealing BroZone's talent because you have none of your own, you big... Oh, you big phonies!

Velvet: Okay, we need to leave. Right now.

Bat-Troll: Wait! You have...

Velvet and Veneer drive away.

Bat-Troll: ...Bombs attached to you.

They started chasing after them.

Poppy: Follow that luxury vehicle.

Tiny Diamond: On it, Poppy!

A chase through Mount Rageous happens.

Velvet: What's up, Mount Rageous? You didn't think we were just gonna give you a boring, old stage show, did you?

Mount Rageon #2: That's what we explicitly bought tickets for.

Velvet: We're taking this show on the road!

Tiny Diamond: Oh, man. I'm trying to get through, but they got no respect for the blinker.

Velvet and Veneer drain BroZone of their talent.

Velvet and Veneer:

♪ Sweet dreams Are made of this ♪

♪ Who am I to disagree? ♪

♪ I traveled the world And the seven seas ♪

♪ Everybody's looking For something ♪

Tiny Diamond: Oh! This is too much. I only have my learner's permit!

Bat-Troll: (grunts) Poppy, take the wheel! Tiny, suit up.

Tiny Diamond: Now? But I didn't have any training!

Bat-Troll: You'll learn on the fly. Literally.

Bat-Troll calls an aircraft known as the BAT.

Bat-Troll: It's called the BAT. It's an aircraft designed for whenever I need something to substitute my Batmobile!

Robin: (laughs] Yeah, Robin is in the house!

The BAT chases after them.

Velvet and Veneer:

♪ Some of them ♪

♪ Want to use you ♪

♪ Some of them wanna Get used by you ♪

Robin: (screams)

Bat-Troll: Hold her steady, Robin.

Velvet and Veneer:

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