Lip Tickling Nemo

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In the dreamlike world of *Slumberland*, Lip always had a knack for creating mischief. He thrived on chaos and fun, and whenever Nemo got too serious about the pearls and her mission, he knew it was time to lighten things up. This was one of those moments.

They wandered through a landscape made entirely of giant pillows, soft and fluffy, sinking under their feet. The sky was a swirl of bright colors, and the air smelled sweet, but Nemo was too focused on her quest, her brow furrowed in concentration. 

"You know, kid, for someone in a place like this, you sure know how to suck the fun out of a dream," Lip drawled, sidling up beside her, his mischievous grin in full effect.

"I'm not sucking the fun out of anything," Nemo said, barely glancing his way. "I just... we need to stay focused."

Lip rolled his eyes. "Focused, shmocused. We're in a land of dreams! What's the rush?" He nudged her playfully. "Come on, crack a smile. Just a little one."

"I am smiling," she insisted, but her serious expression gave her away.

Lip stopped and studied her for a moment, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "That's the saddest excuse for a smile I've ever seen. You need a little help..."

Before Nemo could react, Lip's hand shot out, fingers jabbing at her side. Nemo squeaked and jumped back, her eyes wide.

"Oh ho ho, what's this?" Lip's grin widened. "You're ticklish, aren't ya?"

"No, I'm not!" Nemo protested, taking a step back, trying to maintain her dignity, though the blush on her cheeks betrayed her.

Lip wiggled his fingers in the air menacingly. "I think you are. And I think I'm gonna prove it."

With a sudden leap, Lip's fingers dove toward Nemo's ribs, squeezing and prodding. Nemo burst into uncontrollable laughter, trying to squirm away.

"Stop! Lip, stop!" she giggled, her body shaking with laughter as she tried to fend him off. But Lip was having way too much fun.

"Serious? Come on, kid, you can't be serious all the time!" Lip teased, his fingers digging into her sides and ribs, moving up and down with expert precision. 

Nemo tried to pull away, but Lip's relentless tickling was impossible to escape. "You've got a laugh hiding under all that seriousness, don't you?" he teased as his hands slid up to her underarms.

"No! Not there!" Nemo shrieked, snapping her arms down to protect herself, but Lip was faster, wiggling his fingers under her arms.

"Oh, jackpot!" he grinned, listening to her frantic laughter. "Who would've thought little Miss Focused had such a weak spot?"

Nemo was practically doubled over with laughter, gasping for breath between giggles. "I can't—please—stop!" she managed to get out, but Lip wasn't done yet. He let up on her underarms, only to move down to her stomach, tickling her tummy with quick, darting movements. 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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