chapter 4 - Singers' Weekend

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From 5.20 "The Devil You Know", in Bobby's House, Bobby sat in his wheelchair, aiming a handgun at Crowley the Demon.

"Name's Crowley," Crowley told him.

"You're Crowley?" Bobby asked, shooting Crowley in the chest.

"I see you have heard of me," Crowley told him. "I can give you anything you want, mate. All I need is..."

"My soul," Bobby finished.

From 5.21 "Two Minutes to Midnight", in Bobby's House, Octavia, Sam, Catty, Dean, Ness, Castiel, Crowley and Bobby were gathered.

Ness looked at Bobby incredulously. "You sold your soul?"

"Oh, more like pawned it," Crowley told them. "I fully intend to give it back."

"Well, then give it back," Ness told him, standing.

"I'm sorry, Vanessa," Crowley told her. "I can't."

"'Can't' or 'won't'?" Ness asked.

"I won't, all right?" Crowley asked. "It's insurance."

From 3.15 "Time Is On My Side", outside Rufus Turner's House, Rufus opened the door to see Ness standing outside.

Ness: (voice over from 3.15 Time Is On My Side) "Rufus Turner. He's a hunter."

Catty: (voice over from 3.15 Time Is On My Side) "One of your old friends?"

From 5.02 "Good God, Y'All!", in Riverpass, Colorado, in the street, Rufus had a gun, firing at men who he was hallucinating were Demons.

Ness: (voice over from 3.15 Time Is On My Side) "Friend? He's not the Christmas-card type."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in TJz, Sam, Dean, Digger Wells and Catty sat at a table.

"I'm Sheriff Jody Mills," Jody told them. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure."

In Bobby's House, Ness answered the phone. "Agent Mina speaking."

Jody was on the other line. "Ness?"

Ness made a face, resisting a groan.

In TJz, Dean looked at Jody. "So you know Ness Singer?"

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in the police station, Ness and Jody were talking at the front desk.

Sam: (voice over from 5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) "Ness, I thought the Sheriff hated you and hated your dad."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in the police station, Ness led the way toward the exit with Sam, Dean and Catty following. "She did till five days ago."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in Benny Sutton's trailer, a mud covered Clay Thompson started to strangle Benny, both falling to the floor.

Dean: (voice over from 5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) "What happened five days ago?"

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Zombies were running toward Dean and Ness.

Ness: (voice over from 5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) "The dead started rising all over town."

From 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", in Bobby's House, Bobby, Ness and Dean were trapped in the closet. The nine remaining Zombies were pounding on the door, trying to break through. Sam, Catty and Jody were behind the nine Zombies, shooting three Zombies each in the head, killing them all. All of the Zombies fell to the floor, dead.

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