chapter 14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning

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From 5.22 "Swan Song", in Stull Cemetery, Sam grabbed Adam/Michael's arms, jumping into the hole, pulling him with him, both of them falling in the darkness.  

Dean: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "Lucifer's Cage. Sam's soul is stuck in that box."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in the grocery store, Death stood next to Tessa, looking at Dean. "Nasty, those memories."

From 6.08 "All Dogs Go to Heaven", in the warehouse, Sam stepped out from behind a partition, shooting the bald men.

Death: (voice over from 6.11 Appointment in Samarra) "You don't now what they'll do to him."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Bobby's Panic Room, Sam was handcuffed to the bed. "Don't do this."

 Death sat down on the bed with a briefcase, opening it to reveal a white glowing light. "Don't scratch the wall."

Death put Sam's soul into his chest, making him scream in agony.

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Dean, Catty and Sam were sitting at the table.

"Sam, Death didn't just shove your soul back in, okay?" Dean asked. "He put up the Great Wall of Sam between you and the things that you don't remember. And trust me when I say that the things you don't know could kill you."

"But I have to set things right," Sam told them. "So I need to know what I did."

"But you don't know how dangerous that could be," Catty told him.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in the abandoned house, Sam fell to the floor, seizing.

"Sam?" Dean asked.

"Sammy?" Catty asked worriedly.

Dean and Catty ran over to Sam, kneeling next to him. Sam's eyes were open, but unseeing.

"Sammy, talk to us!" Dean told him.

Sam looked too far gone to answer.

From 6.13 "Unforgiven", in Sam's flashback of Hell, Sam was standing in the Cage, burning, screaming in agony.



 Same Day Day One

Day - Abandoned House - Living Room

Sam was still unconscious in the abandoned house on the floor.

Dean and Catty were still kneeling next to him worriedly, trying to get him to wake up.

"Sam?" Dean asked. "Sam. S—Sam? Oh, come on."

Catty shook Sam more forcefully. "Sammy! Come on, come on. Come on, damn it." Sam opened his eyes, groaning, exhaling sharply in pain. "Hey, hey, hey. You with me?"

Sam breathed heavily, groaning.

Dean helped Catty help Sam stand. "Come on. Come on. Got to get you out of here."


Paterson, New Jersey

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