chapter 7 - Family Matters

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From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the alley outside of The Black Rose, Boris grabbed Dean from behind, throwing him toward the dumpster, making him hit the dumpster, roll off to a pile of garbage bags on the ground.

 From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the alley outside the motel, Dean was on the phone with Ness. "You're sure it's Vampires?"

"Definitely," Ness answered.

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the Vampire Warehouse, two Vampires stood in front of Catty, growling, hissing. Catty swung at one with her machete, beheading him, spinning around, beheading the other's all in one swift movement, watching the headless bodies fall, backing away.

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the Vampire Warehouse, Sam and Samuel crept through the carnage that Dean and Catty had made. Headless Vampire bodies were strewn everywhere.

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the motel room, Dean spoke to Sam, Samuel and Catty. "Their Alpha's building an army. We don't scare them anymore."

From 6.01 "Exile on Main St.", in the abandoned house, Catty turned to face Samuel in shock.

From 4.03 "In the Beginning", in the Campbell House's dining room, Catty and 'Samuel' were sitting at the table.

"I'm your grandfather," 'Samuel' told her.

From 6.01 "Exile on Main St.", in the abandoned house, Catty was still in shock. "Samuel?"

From 6.01 "Exile on Main St.", in the abandoned house, Samuel explained to Catty. "We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up pulled me down."

"So, whatever this is, we're part a part of it," Sam told them.

"But you don't know what that is," Catty told them.

"Bingo," Dean answered.

From 6.04 "Singers' Weekend", Dean and Bobby's phone conversation.

"Dean, you all right?" Bobby asked.

"It's Sam and Catty, Bobby," Dean told him.

From 6.05 "Live Free or Twihard", in the Vampire Warehouse, Catty swung her machete up to his crotch, making him groan a scream of pain, pulling the blade out. Boris fell to his knees. Catty looked at the blade in her hand, slowly circling around Boris to stand behind him, looking at him numbly, angry yet calm with a deadly expression, swinging the machete toward Boris.

Dean: (voice over from 6.04 Singers' Weekend) "She's starting to spiral. This is a different side of Catty we've never seen. Cat's angry, she's almost completely closed off to who she used to be."

Dean looked at Catty broodingly, as if he was worried about her after what he had just seen her turn into, even a little scared of this Catty. Catty still had the cold, numb, angry and deadly look. She didn't look Human, let alone like herself.

Catty: (voice over from 6.03 The Third One) "When it's a cry for help, you'll know it."

From 6.02 "Two and a Half Men", in the Campbell Compound, Gwen looked at Samuel. "You mean, the family she almost got killed." She looked at Catty. "And the boyfriend that's dead."

Catty turned turned to face Gwen incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"Just saying how you've been thinking it," Gwen told her.

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