Blue lock

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"That was good game L/n!"

Young boy with brown hair praise his friend. The two of them are  neighbors, so they always walk home together.

"Thanks man...well, What would I do without my teams help?" Y/n chuckles. The two of them kept talking until they reach their own house. Y/n enter his house with his spare keys he always bring.

"I'm home!" He said in cheerful voice. He take off his shoes and throw his bag to the near sofa. His mother greet him with warm hug. Y/n mother told him to take shower before dinner and also told him there is envelope that typed his name on it.

Y/n wear his favorite shirt and put them on. He took a sit on the edge on his bed and take the envelope that his mother put near his nightstand. He open and read the letter.

L/n Y/n-sama

You've been selected for a special player training program...





Y/n stood there staring at the building. Why am I here anyway?


"You should go! Maybe you can play nationals!"

"But Mom, if it means locked up there for weeks months or whatever...Who's going to take care of you?"

"Y/n are you saying I can't take care of myself?"

"What I mean---"




The boy sigh and went inside the building. He open the door then met with many boys same age as him staring at his soul. Creepy I guess. Y/n walk past them and just stopped in the front to get better view.

The crowd stop murmuring when they heard cough sounds. "Congratulation, you lump unpolished of talents." All the crowds now really shut their mouths. No ones talking so the man on the stage with long neck and bowl haircut speak again.

"According to my personal judgment, the three hundred of you are the best strikers under eighteen. My name is Jinpachi Ego. I was hired to give Japan a world cup victory" The crowd start murmuring. At first Y/n found it boring but the last sentences caught his attention.

Ego explain how three hundred of strikers blah and blah. And his project names Blue Lock. All of them lives there no returning home and their the ed of previous soccer careers.

"But I promise this, whoever survives this Blue lock and outlast the other 299. The last remaining person become the world's best strikers" This one really make Y/n shivers. But if it means to win the world cup and be the best strikers. He'll do it.

Ego end his speech. Then young boy with white hair raise his hand, Kira Ryosuke. "Excuse me" This caught everyone's attentions. He telling about each of them have their own precious teams. And he can't abandoned his teams.

To Y/n he'll do it. Since it's his dreams and his mom support, He'll fucking do it. The crowd throw hate comments to Ego. Isagi Yoichi remain silent same as L/n Y/n. Ego lift his two hands and moves his hand. "Then Lock off. If you want to leave. I won't stop you"

"Your teams precious..? Instead of becoming the world's best? Rather in the best high schoolers in our country's soccer backwater? I get depressed when I think people like you carrying the future of Japanese soccer. Listen, Japanese soccer capability is the best in the world."

Ego continued until Kira speaks. "I disagree" And he talking about Kagawa and Honda. They not even win the world cup. Y/n only staring at the man. Why his neck long thou?

Ego kept his speech then and again and again. "There's a teammate twenty feet to your right, If you past you can certainly get point. But you gamble your nations hope. And the assurance of victory. To shoot without hesitation only those sorts of crazy egoist..May proceed ahead"

The door behind Ego slide open automatically. When the last word Ego says. L/n Y/n walk to the stairs. All the boys in the room eyes widened seeing the first person about to enter. "Do you have cookie in there?" He's dumb question making the boys more confused.

"If your rank increased, then I may say yes" Ego smirk at Y/n. And he smiles back, L/n Y/n the first one who enters that door and followed by the crowd running to get there.




All the players were in the bus that about to arrived at the destination. Isagi been staring at Y/n who's now sleeping leaning on the window. After the bus stopped they lining up waiting for their names. The players got theirs uniform and their belongings now on the Blue loc's hands.

Isagi search for his room and find it. The door opened he already saw many boys in there. Some already change to their uniform. Kira called Isagi and had conversation for moment when someone accidentally throw shirt landed on Isagi's face.

"My bad" orange spiky head boy said, Kunigami Rensuke. Isagi gave it back to him but stopped when Kunigami mention his step. He saw someone sleeping on the floor, Bachira Meguru. Now Kira was talking to someone.

Isagi's attention to somebody else, Y/n. He approach the boy. "Umm aren't you're the one who enter the door first??" Y/n who's already in his uniform look at the boy in front of him. "I am, L/n Y/n"

"I'm Isagi Yoichi, nice to mee---" He's cut of when Igarashi came to him introducing himself and tell them about his story. Igarashi want to do handshake with Isagi and he noticed that his numbers are 300. Isagi look at Y/n's and his eyes widened. 292!!?

The screen on the big tv on, showings Ego's face. "Are you done changing, diamond in the rough?" Ego explain the numbers on their sleeve are base on their abilities. Whoever lose in Blue Lock is going to lose to represent Japan. And he told then they need is Ego.

"Now time for some tag"

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