"Kiss, kiss, Kill, kill"

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I haven't been In solidarity confinement in a very long time. Every time I'm seated at the torturous seat, I curse Cassandra the reason I usually end up here.

I've got the after-effects of letting my power out to deal with. As the stoic soldier led me here I pulled it all back down to the bottom of my psych. A compartment shut so tight, almost ready to blow at the seams. 

The soldier who hauled me here stands in front of the door his large arms crossed across his chest. I think he's probably two years older than me from the pin attached to his pocket. I've seen this one on East's team, the designated muscle.

My leg jumps up and down, I'm restless and him watching me like a hawk isn't helping. Neither of us speaks the awkwardness rising to insane heights.
I act intrigued by the blank wall opposite me.
My powers are on a trip, wanting to coil out of me. Let itself be known.

Footsteps head down the corridor, the door clicks open and the one and only Tyler Collin enters. Tyler is the headteacher of Saint Astor Academy. The fame has gotten to his head turning him into a strict and rigorous man.

Saint Astor Academy works with the council, right beside the men and women who control our lives. It's old money and one lucky peasant is selected to enter on scholarship. I am the one lucky peasant.

Tyler's watch costs more than every single person in this division of the academy. From the gym to the extending hallways full of combat training rooms. He's rich and he wants you to know it and boy do I know it.
Behind him just two seconds later a fuming red-faced Devon enters, east with his brows pulled low beside him. An audience to my embarrassment. Yay!

"Lana walkers" Tyler sits opposite me smoothing down his already neat suit. I don't respond because I'm not expected to unless I spew a bunch of apologies that won't be heard anyway.
"Back so soon" he stares at me and I frown against the sunlight blaring right into my eyes. I lift a hand to cover the side of my face so I can see him.

"It was an accident" I begin but Devon cuts me off. The chair scrapes against the grey steel floors. East stands beside his friend, hands behind his back.
"You didn't follow orders, you injured a student, I" he points to himself "gave you a direct order and you actively chose to stomp on your opponent's knee right after I told you the match was over, that was an illegal move" he leans forward "I could kick you off the combat classes, you as a powerless student can not push against my rules, you need this more than anyone else at my class"

Tyler looks at me actively disappointed, he shakes his head a sharp sigh coming from his chest.
"Ms walker need I remind you of your scholarship?"
"No need" I shake my head and he inhales "Drop the attitude! It's pathetic and frankly, you have no room for this kind of behaviour" 

"I messed up, I get it but it truly was a rash decision, I was angry" I protested wiping my hands on my knees. Tyler's hand slaps against the desk making me jolt backwards in my seat. East steps forward before stepping back. The action is almost a reflex.
"Emotions have no place in combat class, I hope you have no plans of pursuing the force because from what we've already seen you'd not survive a day on the battlefield"
I swallow against the bitterness in my throat and keep my chin up. They take my silence as compliance and nod.

"You'll be staying after class in detention, next time Lana Walker the consequences won't be just a talk and detention, remember your scholarship is on the Line"
I nod and get up alongside them but Tyler turns back to face me at the last second stopping me in my tracks. East and his friend alongside Devon leave ahead of us.
"About your room that was vandalised, the investigation team found nothing of value" I go to open my mouth but he continues.
"With zero proof, no evidence of this crime being committed, the case has been closed"

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⏰ Last updated: 2 hours ago ⏰

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