Desperate girls do degrading things for help.

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With my phone in Reid, the tech genius possession, I was in a bad situation. Maybe I haven't told you yet, but my phone has the app for the listening device in their apartment. The first course of action was wiping it clean, and that meant I'd have to pay a visit to Magnum, a second-rate tech nerd, reid was what Magnum thought he was. In reality, he just got the job done very terribly, and he was a messy bastard who wanted his payment in your goods.

Magnum room is right opposite mine, unfortunate for the both of us. We had been assigned at the bottom of the building in the remotest rooms all because we were powerless. Unlike me, I don't think Magnum was feigning to be powerless he just happened to skip any power genes when born but he also came with all the creepy DNA.

I knock on his door longer than I need to, but I would rather this than walk in on him into nightmare situation. It happened, and I'll be dammed if it happens again. The floorboards creak under his weight as he heaves himself to the door, grumbling under his breath. The corridor that houses our two bedrooms has a faulty light that flickers at the oddest of times. Now it's sizzling the faint sound of electricity can be heard if you listen close enough.

"Who is it" his voice cracks, and he doesn't bother clearing his throat as the door swings open, the scent of greasy food and an undertone of strong caffeine follows.
"surprise", I paste a grin on my face, the muscles, in my cheeks protest against smiling at a guy like him. desperate girl gets degraded for help.
"before you start your crap, I need your help, and I've got cash" the scorn in his face lessens to greed, but he doesn't stop his perusal of my body.

Every time I'm outside his door, the academy uniform feels like embarrassment on my skin. How an ugly man has that power is beyond me. Even with socks on my knees, I feel naked, and when I'm not here being started at like meat, I enjoy the tight white button-up and short skirt.

"cash.." he drawls "Did I ask for my payment to be cash?" I swallow the dismay and push the faux glasses to the top of my head to hold my hair out of my face. "come on, magnum, I'm desperate here; you're the only guy here I can rely on," he narrows his eyes not believing me one bit. "magnum, I'm depending on you, you'd be saving my life here"

I see the moment he finds a way to skate in his usual creepy comments."what about saving me, Lana?" he shakes his head, leaning against the door and blocking me from entering.
"I'm just a guy, I've got needs too, just like you, if we're so close.." he insinuates.
"We not that close" I cut in abruptly, he nods as if he understands but steps closer I can see his hand flexing like he wants to reach out to touch me. "we could be couldn't we?"
my jaw is tight a tension headache beginning to appear. It's almost like stepping into a room you know you shouldn't, your heart rate speeds up, and adrenaline ramps up.

"fine" I nod robotically, hoping he'll let me off the hook. Instead, he looks beyond gleeful at my response and nods, eyes dropping to the undone buttons of my top. "fine", he repeats, stepping back from the door. I walk in without looking around, choosing to keep my eyes trained on him. Magnum stares at me expectantly.
"after you get the job done," his eyes flash with anger, and he steps forward threateningly. I hold the laptop out to him "It'll be a quick job, right?" his eyes flick from the laptop to me until he nods and snatches it with his grubby paws.

Magnum takes ten minutes to clear the app. I stand behind him on guard. In my mind, I am ensuring he doesn't do anything weird to it, but I understand nothing of his tech work. As usual, he attempts to fill the silence with propositions and crude jokes. "two rejects", he muses "Look at us, we make a great team" Laughing at his joke, he glances at me. My neck aches from holding it at a safe angle so I can see the screen and not be too close to him. "I don't pay you to talk", he shrugs at my dismissal, his finger scratching under his arm "I get paid regardless", my power increasingly getting Agitated by his disrespect I hold my tongue. Once done, he cracks open a beer while I take back my device. Leaning back in his chair, he sighs heavily, eyes landing on me.

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