Chapter 6 ~ Numbers

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The note.

There's something on that paper that he didn't want Olivia to know.

But why, he's only known me since this morning, and surely he wouldn't share a secret with me?

These questions whir around in my mind trying to distinguish what is on that piece of paper.

I guess I'll have to wait until I have some privacy.


As soon as the taxi pulls up outside our condo in Hialeah, I gracefully jump out of the cab, and pay the man, the exact amount of change.

The condo is magnificently beautiful, with cream walls and black stone design; a glass balcony visible on the second floor.

I notice little potted plants dotted around the exterior and realize how much Olivia's uncle must have payed to get us somewhere to live.

" God, you're uncle's loaded," I say, gawping in awe.

" Yeah, I know," Olivia laughs, tossing me the keys,"But we still have to pay the mortgage!"

We run up the steps together as I fiddle with the key for a few moments, before turning the lock so we can witness our new palace for the first time.

The interior has been newly refurbished with a modern edge and sliding glass doors.

Olivia instantly drops her bags at the door and jumps on to the cream leather couch.

"So what do you wanna do first?" she asks, stroking a furry cushion.

I think of the many possibilities.

"We could go surfing, we could go shopping, we could go get lunch?"

Olivia ponders this thought for a moment.

"How about all three? I mean we are here to have fun and we haven't eaten since this morning".

"Okay," I say,"First let me go for a quick shower".

I am about to walk up the staircase before Olivia stops me.

"Ava, seriously?"she moans, "We're going surfing, you'll get washed at the beach".

"Olivia, we've got all day, please, I'll be like five minutes," I plead.

"Fine," she grunts, rolling her eyes," but any longer, and I'm leaving without you".

I smile at her and run upstairs, finding the bathroom filled with cream fluffy towels.

I take off my cami and shorts before remembering the note.

Emptying the pockets of my shorts, I find my phone and an old piece of gum.

Oh no, I think, where did it go?

I remove my phone from its case, and find a small folded slip of paper hidden  inside the curve of the mould

I quickly unfold the crumpled note and begin to study the words.

Only I don't find letters, I find numbers.

Rows and rows of different numbers with random symbolic icons.

I don't understand what it is.

There are no clues hidden within the scriptures.

What was Paul trying to tell me?

It's a small world, it's a small world.

What he said us earlier could have been a clue.

I rack my brain for a suitable explanation, and come up with the one thing that makes sense.


When I Met You In Miami ~ A Paul Walker Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now