Chapter 4

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After school we all had to meet Spencer at her house to discuss this A person so now I'm busy walking there, I have a car but I prefer walking it gives you time to think. I was walking past the Dilaurentis's house when I saw Jason outside sitting on the porch steps I decided to go over there to say hi.

"Hey Jase" I said sitting next to him

"Hey Kody-bear" he said smiling softly at me

That was our nicknames for each other I call him Jase and he calls me Kody bear.

"Jase can I tell you something but I don't want things to change between us?" I said kinda nervously

"Sure Kody-bear you can tell me anything" he said giving me a reassuring look

Before I could say anything my phone began ringing I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Spencer

"Hi Spence" I said

"Kody we have a problem" she said sounding panic

"I'll be right over give me a minute" I said and hung up

"Sorry Jase maybe another time Spencer needs my help with something" I said quickly standing up and giving him a sorry look and quickly rushing of to Spencer's, luckily she and Jason as next door neighbours so I was there in 30seconds.

"Spence, what's wrong?" I asked when I got inside

"Jenna Marshall and Toby Cavanaugh is back" she said I then noticed the rest of the girls are also here.

"You don't think they would tell someone" I asked also panicked

"No! They won't Ali made sure of if" Hanna said

"And technically we didn't do anything we just stood there" Em said, she has a point

"I'm glad you called really, I almost told Jason how I feel about him" I said


"Spence who is that?"Aria asked

"Well we do know who it can't be" said Hanna

"Hanna!" Em said

"I don't know let's check" Spence said going to the door

"Jason?" Spencer said sounding surprised

Jason? What is he doing here

"Were is Kody?" He asked sounding a bit angry?

He came storming in with a letter in the hand

"Wanna explain?" He said slamming the letter on the counter

I looked at him confused than started reading the letter:


I'm writing this letter to tell you maybe good news? Our lovely Kody-bear has been inlove with you for 4 years almost now, shocking I know. She wanted to tell you a year ago before you left Rosewood but looks like I beated her, oops?
Sincerely -A

A?! Really?! Tears brimmed my vision, how can someone be so cruel and medle into someone's business like that. All of my friends looked at me in anticipation and Jason just gave me a furious look, why? I have no idea. I looked at the letter, picked it up and teared it apart looked af the girls and Jason with tears now streaming down my face and ran upstrairs to Spencer's room.

I heard the girls telling Jason that I'll talk to him later and heard the door shut I made my way into Spencer's room and scream as hard asI could, why? On the mirror in front of me is a message from A saying, you bitches don't know what I'm capable of. -A.

The girls quickly ran into the room and when they saw why I screamed they gasped and we just stood there for a few minutes.

"Are you okay Kody?" Hanna asked

"I don't even know" I said as a tear silently rolled down my cheek

"What did that letter say?" Aria asked

"A told Jason how I feel about him" I said trying to avoid the bale in my throat

"Kody" they came and hugged me

"And I don't even know why he is so mad" I said once I recovered from my break down

"Maybe you should ask him" Emily suggested

"Your right Em, it's time to face the music" I said with a weak smile on my face

"I'll be back" I said to them making my way over to Jason's house growing more nervous with each step

I saw he was sitting on the front steps again as I approached him slowly like predator on it's prey, when I got closer he looked up sensing someone's presence.

"That is not the way I wanted you to find out Jason" I said standingnow only a few feet away from him

"Than when excatly were you going to tell me Kody?" He asked almost mockingly

"Before Spencer called actually" I said chuckling darkly

"Why were you mad Jason when you showed me the letter?" I asked kind of curious

"Because Kody you have been inlove with me for almost 4 years and you didn't even had the guts to tell me, you could've at least dropped some hints you know" he said angrily

"Why should I tell you when I know that you will only leave me dissapointed Jason?" By now I'm yelling at him

"How would you know Kody?" He said matching my tone

"How would I not Jason, I knew back then and still do that you don't feel the same so I'm sorry I didn't tell okay? I'm so fucking sorry" on that last sentence my voice cracked just to show how much I'm hurting, I turned around and ran back to Spencer's again.

I always had that tiny spark of hope that Jason might feel the same about me but now that hope has died and I am left dissapointed.

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