First encounter - Mattheo

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Mattheo's POV

We're all sitting in the Great Hall, eating our breakfast before class starts. For some reason this morning I can't seem to focus on my food, there's a constant feeling of solitude hunting me those past few days and I can't seem to understand it since there's always someone by my side: often my friends, sometimes girls, but it's just impossible to get rid of the feeling.

I'm looking at the people around me when I suddenly see a new person. She's dressed in black, white and most importantly, green. It pics my curiosity since I've never seen her before and that does not happen to me as I am above good with faces.

I turn around and ask Malfoy who tends to know everything about everyone.

-Who is she? I ask, looking at her.
-Which one, Riddle?
-In green, dark long hair, smile through her teeth to everyone.
-Katerina Velmontes, Pureblood heiress from a Wizard school in Spain, she's a sixth year like us.

The second he's done talking, I get up to leave. I think about going te see her for a short second, but I don't want to ruin a yet non-existant relationship with a meaningless first encounter. But as I look to her a last time, she's looking at me. Somehow, even if her mouth is not smiling, her eyes are. I hold the eye contact for several seconds, taking my precious time to remember every details of her face. Her dark brown pupilles, surrounded by dark long lashes, her eyebrows perfectly cut to the shape of her lean face. She's wearing a dark marron lipstick that goes exactly with her pale skin tone. The feeling of loneliness I felt only minutes before is gone as she takes its place in my mind. Even with every student around and between us, the place falls silent, every person walking by and sitting close suddenly disappear as I only see her.

The second I decide to start walking toward her, her friend puts her hand on her shoulder and she turns away, taking all those thoughts with her. I take my bag off the ground and proceed to leave the Hall. Never looking back, without saying a word to Malfoy or the others.

Katerina's POV

His eyes, hurt, but loving, gorgeous, looking at me like I'm the only one in the room, like all he could care about is to remember the way I look. With only this short notice of each other, he's made me feel terribly important through the way he looks at me.

-What are you doing? I'm waiting for you! Gracie tells me as she takes my hand for me to follow her through the crowd.
-I'm coming, I'm coming! I look back to where he was, but he already disappeared.
-What were you doing?
-I... Nothing, don't worry.
-If you say so.

Gracie was the first person to talk to me when I got in the common room and since she didn't have a roommate yet, I took the other bed in her room. We've been together quite a lot and I like her. She was cold at first, but once I got to know her she became sweet to me, being there for me when I need her in the short time we've known each other.


Three days later
I open my eyes as my clock starts ringing in my ears, but with horror, I realize my error. I didn't put it for 7:15, but more like 8:15. I run across my room to get dressed, taking my notebook at the same time and brush my teeth before I hurry out of my room. When I walk in the classroom, the only place left is in the back. I don't overthink it and walk straight to my seat, apologizing to the professor on the way. Not so carefully, I drop my things on the desk, take my necklace off my pocket and put it around my neck as I didn't have time to do it before leaving. I open my notebook and take a pen to be ready to write down whatever the teacher will say next. In the whole two minutes I've been sat, I didn't bother introducing myself to the person next to me and the only thing I've acknowledged at this point is that he's a Slytherin.

As much as I try, I can't close the damn buttons from my shirt on my wrist, they just won't budge.

-Let me. The boy next to me says when I abandon.
I lift my eyes to his, Mattheo. I don't move at first, the feeling of his presence so close to me is indescribable.
-I'm fine, Riddle. I answer coldly, over-proudly for no reason. I could be sweet to him, but that wouldn't be me. I don't know him and like my father always says: Si no lo sabes, no deberías confiar. Meaning that when you don't know someone, you should never trust them. Before I know it, he grabs my wrist and in no time, both buttons are closed. He gently let go and present me his hands for me to let him do the other side. Hesitating, I approach my hand from his and give into weakness. Pretty fast, he's done with the two others but he doesn't let go of me and I don't do anything about it. Brown eyes meet mine, lingering into each other.

-What are you thinking? He says
-Why would I tell you?
-Maybe you want to tell me. Maybe you feel that, for some reason you can trust me.
-I can't trust you. Not yet.
-Let me prove you why you should. The last words leaving his pretty lips with a smirk.
-How would you do that?
-I would start by giving you something you need. Something I wouldn't mind giving you. He pulls out his notes from the beginning of the class that I missed. I look at them and refocus on him.
-And after?
-Be patient. Good thing takes time. And then, one day, you might tell me what you think.

I open my mouth in a hurry to say something, but nothing follows. Words don't come to me. I take my pen in my hand and start writing from his notebook. After a few lines, I glance his way, feeling the need to speak to him.

-Thank you.
-Anytime, love.

 -Anytime, love

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