First encounter - Draco

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Draco's POV

-Mr. Malfoy, Professor Dumbledore wants you in his office, professor Slughorn tells me as I walk into the classroom
-Me? What have I done? I answer furiously.
-Nothing, and that's exactly what you've been doing in my class for the last three weeks because you already know everything I'm teaching you. So now, go on, he has something for you to do.

I refrain from answering and leave immediately to drop my things by my room. Leading myself to professor Dumbledore's office right after.

I knock twice on the door and it flies open before my eyes. She's standing not so far from the door, her long dark brown hair perfectly cascading over her shoulder. I would recognize her anywhere, facing me, dressed with a tight white buttoned down shirt, the Slytherin uniform hovering over her body and tights leading my imagination where it shouldn't. I can't help but notice the way she's looking at me the same way I'm looking at her, with hint of lust through the disgust.

-Mr. Malfoy, come in please. I would like to present you the newest addition to your house.
-Velmontes. I feel the urge to call her by her first name, it being much more to her character than her last name only being the symbol of her family's wealth. We met once before and it did not go as one could have planned, we couldn't agree on a single thing beside the pressure of being an heir, which we didn't even elaborate on as the time spent itself faster than expected that day.
-Malfoy. My name fleeing through her lips as I can't get my eyes off them. Beautiful, her lipstick marron with a hint of red in it.
-Well, I see you already know of each other. Malfoy, I need you to make a brief tour of the school with Miss. Velmontes and perhaps show her to the slytherin's common room. Also, I want you to introduce her to Miss. Fordails since she will be her roommate.
-My father will hear about this. I state.
-I asked for his permission to pull you out of class, don't you worry. He answers.
Why in hell would my father agree upon this. To please the Velmontes, obviously, what else.

Katerina's POV

As much as our first encounter had me wanting to bury him alive, Draco is still as gorgeous as he was the first time we met. His perfectly still platinum blonde hair and electric blue eyes racing over my body from head to toes giving me practical shivers. Just like that first time, he is dressed all in black with hints of green. As we get out of Dumbledore's office he lets me pass in front of him and the door closes behind us.

-I don't have much time for this. It's gonna be quick.
-The less time with you, the best I'll be doing, Malfoy.
-Same goes for me. Walk, now. I don't lose a second and start walking toward the stairs, but as I'm coming to put my foot on the first stair, the whole thing just start leaving without me and I loose balance. I try not to fall, but the thought occurs to me that I am going to fall to my death, great. A hand grips my wrist followed by another one on the back of my waist.
-Am I that worse that you wanna k*ll yourself rather than spend 2h with me?
-Exactly. I finally breathe again when he pulls me away from the stairs. My back not so far from the wall and his face so close to mine, I'm half expecting him to make a move when he won't stop starring at my mouth. I would never assume wanting him to do so, but if he's gonna do it, I might as well not pull away.
-Great, now wait please. The hand gripping my wrist left its intended place but the one on my lower back stays as we wait for a new flight of stairs.
-Thank you.
-Just refrain from doing it again, princess. It would be appreciated.

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