Chapter 2

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Paris, the city of love, the city that I was going to visit all by myself. I kept on telling myself that I was not here for love, but for the magnificant city and rich culture.

When I entered my hotelroom, it was clear that I should be here with the boyfriend I didn't have.
C'mon Fee, this is only at night, you will hardly notice the red curtains, thousands of candles and rose-leaves... okay, I had to admit: this was painful.

No no no, that was not how I was supposed to be thinking!
I walked out of the hotel, looked around me and realised that I was in freaking Paris! This just couldn't go wrong! This was going to be spectacular! This was...

Honk!! honk!!

Oh f*ck! I almost got hit by a car! maybe I should stay down to earth, otherwise I would die!

I started my journey by visiting the Eiffeltower. Again I had to wait, but I knew it would be worth it. After a while I started to get a bit bored so I looked around at the other people.
Suddenly I made eyecontact with someone. I knew that face, it was the same guy I saw at the Atomium! What a coincidence! I knew he was thinking the same, because from the minute we looked at each other, he smiled at me. I felt my head turning red, but I smiled back.

After climbing the stairs, my legs were killing me, so I searched for a place to sit. When I had found a bench and enjoyed the beautiful view, I noticed that someone was sitting next to me. I turned my head to the right and stared into the beautiful brown eyes from THE boy.
"Hey there", he said, smiling at me.
"Hi", I said carefully, "Do I know you?"
"uhm, don't you recognise me?"
"Yeah, of course I do, but we have never actually met before, have we?"
"You are right! Let me introduce myself. Hi, I am Ansel Elgort and you are?"
"uhm... my name is Fiona Cooper, but you can call me Fee"
"Well it's nice to meet you, Fee", he laughed, while shaking my hand, "do you have any plans right now"
Wow, what was this gorgeous guy doing? This had to be a joke.
"Yes, actually I do. Why do you ask?"
"Oh okay, well I was thinking to have a drink together, but I don't want to disturb you, I'm sorry."
What?! I couldn't believe my ears! I was dreaming! For sure! It just was impossible that a guy like him, wanted to be seen with a girl like me... in Paris! I can tell you, compared to my friends, I look like a dipshit. They all look stunning and have already had a billion dates. But me, well let's say that it is impressive when a guy wants to sit next to me.
Now I had to react cool, play hard to get. That's what my friends would do.
"Oh really? That's cool, but at this moment I don't really have the time. I still have a million things to visit, sorry."
"I see, and what about tomorrow?"
"uhm, okay? I guess..."
"wow, don't be so enthousiastic! but it's good enough for me"
Ansel stood up with a weird grin on his face, "Can I get your number, so we can arrange this date?" he winked.
"Wait, what? A date? seriously?"

After we exchanged numbers, he walked away, without turning his head to look at me for the last time, like you see in those typical romantic movies.
I was shocked, but then I realised two things:
1) I should enjoy this holiday, no matter what. Ansel wasn't going to be the most important thing, because... I mean... Look at him! There was a chance that this was a joke and I didn't want my holiday to be ruined because of a broken heart. Everything that was going to happen, was just for fun and company. Nothing else.
2) I did a pretty good job at playing hard to get and I should keep on doing it, because it was working!

I took the subway to the Arc De Triomphe and visited it. The view was magnificant and I decided to walk on the Camps-Élysées to Le Louvre. I had heard that most tourists did it so I was sure it was going to be worth it.

It was. Paris was so beautiful and I was falling in love with this city. Maybe that was why it was called the city of love!

After I reached Le Louvre, I was tired as hell and I searched for a place to drink some coffee.
Sitting there, I checked my phone.

1 new message.

My heart started bumping and I hardly dared to look.
It was my mom. I didn't really know how to feel. Disappointed or releaved?

Hey sweetheart,
How is everything going? I hope you have bought some Belgian Chocolat! How is Paris?

Love you. Mom.

I felt tears rolling over my cheeks. It's not that I was homesick, but this text made me feel so lonely...
Suddenly I thought about the plan of meeting the local people. I looked around me. Tourists everywhere.
Well, I should forget about that.

I answered the message with a summary of everything I had done, but I didn't mention Ansel, because like I said: it could be a joke.

That evening I was laying in my bed, staring at the romantic furniture. I knew the best thing was to close my eyes and to try catch some sleep, but there was this one thing on my mind that kept me awake. Ansel.
I took my book and tried to forget about him, when suddenly my phone rang.

I hope you enjoyed reading chapter 2 as much as I enjoyed writing it. Like I said before: this is my first book, so it is all new to me.
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Xoxo Emilie

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