Chapter 3

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I woke up at 7 am. The first thing on my mind was the phone call from last night. It was Ansel, just like I thought. I could hear from the way he talked that he was a little nervous, but I didn't judge him, because I was a million times more nervous than him.

I went downstairs to have breakfast - today I was on time - but I was still half asleep. Last night I was just too excited after the phone call and it took me at least two hours to fall asleep.
There were a lot of guests in the dining hall of the hotel and I was surprised that there were enough rooms in this hotel for all these people. I took a croissant and some coffee and went to my table. I could hardly eat, but I knew I would need some energy if I wanted to see something of Paris. Today I was going to visit Montmartre and Centre Pompidou.

At 3 o'clock I went to a nice little cafe where Ansel and I were going to meet. I went inside, looked around, wondering whether he was already there. I didn't see him, so I chose a nice place to sit. The waiter came to me with the menu card.
While I was choosing a drink, I noticed that someone opened the door. It was November, so I could feel the cold air from outside every time someone came in.
I looked up and there he stood, his cheeks and nose were a little red and he was wearing a blue beanie on his head and a dark blue sweater. When he saw me, he started smiling and walking in my direction.
"Hi", he said while taking of his beanie, "Wow, it's pretty cold outside."
"Yeah, I know", I smiled.
"So, have you already chosen something?" he asked while looking at the menu card I was holding.
"I think I'm gonna go for a hot chocolat"

We started talking and the time flew away. I discovered that he was actually really funny. Sometimes there were some silences, but they weren't awkward at all because then he stared into my eyes and it made me feel warm inside.
Suddenly he said that he knew that I was playing hard to get in the beginning, but that I shouldn't be doing it, because he thought I was a really nice girl.
I felt that I started blushing. Not because of the compliment, but because I felt busted. Maybe I just didn't look like I WAS hard to get, which was true.

After 3 hours and 5 drinks, it was time to 'say goodbye' .
While sitting on the subway and thinking about the date, I caught myself smiling and I couldn't stop it.

When I arrived at the hotel room, I took a shower,the best place to think. Again I had to smile.
At midnight I was reading my book. I felt so tired and after this chapter I was going to turn off the lights, but suddenly I saw my phone lighting up. It was a message from Ansel.

Thanks for the awesome date. I hope we'll meet again asap.
Xoxo Ansel

I answered:

I was thinking the same thing and I'm glad you liked it :) x

The next morning I felt so happy. I went to the dining room, ate some breakfast and at half past nine I was already sitting on the subway. It was my last day in Paris and I was going to enjoy it as much as I could.
It was a sunny day and even though it was almost winter, it was kind of warm outside. I knew that that would make my image of the city even better and that I would leave it with a beautiful memory.

Today I wasn't going to visit anything in particular, but I was just going for a walk nearby my hotel. It was situated in Cartier Latin and I had read in a lot of travel guides that it was very cosy.

When I was walking in the little streets with the cute cafes, I heard my name. I turned around and I wasn't even surprised when I saw Ansel, I mean, who else in Paris knows my name?

"Hey!" I said "what a coincidence!"
"Hi"he answered when he kissed me on the cheek "and I must say that this is not really a coincidence, because yesterday you told me that you were going to stay here."
"oh yeah! I forgot about that", I smiled, "but I'm glad you're here" "indeed, me too, because you said that this was going to be your last day in Paris and... You know... Maybe it is the last time we'll meet"
"I know... Where are you going to after this?" I asked, hoping for him to say Barcelona.
"um probably Vienna"
"probably? So you're not sure yet?"
"No, not really. I actually decide it at the last minute at the train station."
"What? Really? Wow, I know I couldn't do that, because I'm kind of a control freak"
"hahaha, my mom used to tell me that I should be more like that. If she knew this, she would freak out, for sure! " he laughed," but where are you going to?"
"I'm going to Barcelona after this, but why don't you come with me?"

That was the third chapter, I hope you guys liked it! Chapter 4 will be uploaded next week!
Don't forget to vote and comment, because I really want to know what you think about my first book!
Xoxo Emilie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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