Chapter 1

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Oooh, I was so excited! This was my first time on a plane. I know, I know, that sounds kind of weird because in America you need planes all the time, but all of my friends and family live in the same state as me, so why would I take one?

I was already fascinated by the airport! All these people were going to be on a plane, but what was going to be their destination? Were they going on a holiday? Would they be seeing family ? Or was it just for work?

After an hour and a half or so I heard something about my flight. there was being said that the gates were open and that we could take a seat on the plane.
I took a deep breath. It was finally happening. I was going to fly!

Searching for my seat, I saw that mine was in the middle, near by the door, next to a little window!
My mom told me that those were the best seats if something would go wrong, so I was happy. While sitting there I watched the people entering the plane. Some of them were looking like typical tourists, others were wearing a suit or a fancy dress. Some of them were all alone, others were there with little children.

A kind of old lady took a seat next to me. she smiled. I smiled back. I liked this because I realised that this could have been much worse.
"Hi" she said "where are you going to?"
"I'm going to travel around Europe, starting with Belgium. You?" I asked.
"My husband and I" she looked at the man sitting next to her "we will be doing the same as you, but after that we are going to travel throug Asia."
"Wow! that sounds amazing! One day I will go to Asia as well."

A few hours later, the stewardesses were bringing us some food and I warn you: do not expect that you are in an expensive restaurant, because you will be disappointed. However, it wasn't that bad either.

9 hours later a voice said we had to fasten our seatbelt. This could mean two things: we were going to die or we were almost there. I guessed it was the second option and when I looked out of the window, I saw the plane was landing. The houses became bigger, I could see cars,... and there: The Atomium!
Brussels, here I come!

After we landed and arrived in Brussels Airport, I rushed to the place where I could pick up my luggage. Then I started looking for a taxi, that could bring me to my hotel.

Brussels was such a beautiful city and I didn't know where to look first. Maybe the best idea was to visit the Atomium.

I was right. It was still morning so the amount of visiters was not that high.
While waiting in the line I caught someone looking at me. It was a quite tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes and I had to admit: he was cute.
While visiting the monument, I was searching for him but sadly I didn't find him any more.

At the end of the day, after a lot of monuments and famous building, I felt very exhausted and wanted to go to bed. I took the subway and almost fell asleep. Then I still had to walk for a half an hour. I was so releaved when I saw my hotel! I immediately jumped into bed and felk asleep...

The next morning I woke up at 10 am. Sh*t! I had to hurry if I wanted some breakfast!
There were sitting two more couples, but I could see they were almost done. I took a plate, grabbed an apple, a piece of bread and of course: Nutella! I thought breakfast without Nutella was like a car without weels.
Today I just wanted to relax. going to the mall, buy some souvenirs and clothes and maybe a postcard for my mom. She adored Belgium since she was a little girl, so I promised to bring her some Belgian Chocolat as well.
Thinking about my mom, I felt kind of lonely. I was visiting so many beautiful things, but I had no one to share it with. Maybe I should try to get to know the local people. Then I can ask them about how it is living here AND I got some company. Yep, that was a good idea, but maybe I should try it tomorrow, after being arrived in Paris.

Okay! This is my first book! This is really exciting! It would be so nice if you voted/commented!
Xoxo Emilie

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