Appointment in Samarra

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Dean made a deal with Death, and Death himself would go to Hell to get Sam's soul back.

Dad, Sam, Dean and I stood in Dad's house.

Sam looked at Dean. "You what?"

"Just hear me out," Dean told him.

"I heard Cas and Crowley when they said it would either kill me or turn me to jello, Dean," Sam told him. "I heard enough."

"Death said he can put up a wall," Dean told him.

"A wall?" Sam repeated.

"Yes," Dean answered. "Yes, a wall, that--that basically, you wouldn't remember Hell."

"Really?" Sam asked skeptically.

"Really," Dean answered.

"For good?" Sam asked. "Like a cure?"

Dean looked from Dad and me to Sam. "No, it's not a cure. It... He said it could last a lifetime."

Sam nodded sarcastically. "Great." He walked past Dean. "So, playing pretty fast and loose with my life here, don't you think, Dean?"

Dean turned to face Sam. "I'm trying to save your life!"

Sam turned to face Dean. "Exactly, Dean. It's my life. It's my life, it's my soul. And it sure as hell ain't your head that's gonna explode when this whole scheme of yours goes sideways."

"Just curious," Dad told them, standing, walking toward Dean. "I presume Death's not doing this out of the goodness of his heart. So what's your half of the deal?"

Dean didn't answer.

I stood from the desk. "I'm sorry. I didn't get that."

"I have to wear the ring for a day," Dean told us.

"Why the hell would he want you to do that?" Dad asked.

Dean shrugged. "Get his rocks off. I don't know. But I'm doing it."

Sam scoffed, starting to walk away.

"Where you going?" I asked.

Sam turned to face us. "Look, I hear you, all right? I get it. I just need a minute to wrap my head around it, all right?"

Sam walked out, leaving.

I walked toward the door.


Outside, Sam was walking through the salvage yard, seeing a hole in the ground.

Dean and I walked closer.

"Looking for this?" I asked, holding up Death's ring.

Sam shook his head. "Just taking a walk."

I lowered the ring to my side. 

"Sam," Dean told him.  Sam sighed. Dean walked toward him. "I'm your brother. I'm not gonna let you get hurt. I know what I'm doing here."

"What if you're wrong?" Sam asked.

"I won't let it go wrong," Dean told him.

Sam thought about it, shrugging. "Fine."

"Fine?" Dean repeated. "So, you're--"

"So, I'm trusting you here," Sam told him. "Barely."

"You sure?" Dean asked.

"You're the one with the compass, right?" Sam asked. "Just don't mess it up."

""I won't," Dean told him. Sam nodded. Dean turned around, walking toward me, whispering so Sam wouldn't hear. "Watch him."

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