Let it Bleed

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Castiel had visited Dean last night, even with all of the angel proofing on the walls, because some of it had been wrong.

The next day, in the library, Dean sat with a book, not reading it.

Sam sat at the table, leafing through a book.

I looked at Dean. "Well, you know what? At least you tried."

"Yeah, fat lot of good it did," Dean told us. "Why did he even come, right?" I shrugged, sighing. Dean slammed the book closed. "Well, Samuel's journals are pointless. I mean, I'm sorry, but, uh, Jebediah Campbell has squat to tell me about how to stop Cas from cracking Purgatory."

Dad walked in, carrying a large envelope. "Well, actually, it's not about the journals we have. It's about the one we don't."

"Meaning what?" I asked.

"Well, that's the bad news," Dad told us. "Our pal Cas didn't stop in last night just to mend fences."

"What did he do?" Dean asked.

"Stole something," Dad answered.

"What?" Dean asked.

"The journal of one Moishe Campbell," Dad answered.

"Moishe?" I repeated.

"Of the New York Campbells," Dad explained.

"Well, uh, so we gotta get it back, right?" Sam asked.

Dad held up the envelope for us to see, handing it to Sam. "Or just read the copy I'd already made. Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer. Paranoid bastard."

I smiled, looking at my watch. "Crap. I was supposed to be at TJz by now."

"How can you even think about going to work right now?" Dad asked.

"Hey, I'd like to afford the apartment we're living in, okay?" I asked. "If that's okay with you guys."

"Yeah, go ahead," Dean answered. "We won't be able to do much today anyway."

I smiled a small, sad smile, standing, leaving.


I walked into TJz quickly, looking at the boss. "Hey, Jerry, sorry I'm late again. Duty calls."

"Again?" Jerry asked. "What was it this time? Zombies?"

"Demons and angels," I answered. Jerry looked at me in confusion. "Yeah, I'm not joking."

I walked behind the bar, grabbing a remote from nearby, using it to turn on the speakers in the ceiling.

Jerry and a few others were in the bar.

"Yeah, I was assuming you weren't," Jerry told me.

"Look, thanks for giving a little leniency for the whole hunting thing," I told him. "The one good thing that came out of the zombies trying to take over the town last year."

Jerry nodded. "Yeah, no, I get it." I turned to get a few drinks, seeing sulfur on the bar. "You need to be a heroine, right? Who am I to stand in the way?"

I smirked barely, looking from the sulfur to Jerry. "You're a lifesaver for letting me be a lifesaver without fear of losing my job."

I leaned down to reach underneath the bar.

"I wouldn't be worried about losing it," Jerry told me. "It's not gonna be here much longer."

Jerry's eyes turned black.

Life's Betrayals / Book Five / Supernatural / The Life SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now