Chapter 4: Damned day

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Michael’s pov

*3 years ago*

She just left.

I'm left frozen, not quite knowing what I'm feeling exactly, as feelings and emotions overwhelmed me, to the point of oblivion. I was quite lost, as mixed and paradoxical thoughts fought in my being.

I never met a girl that made me feel like this, NEVER, in my damned life.

I hate her so damn much, it's maddening. She humiliated me, me of all people, the son of the most remarkable detective of Manhattan, and I’ve never experienced such.

I’ve always been the one doing the humiliation, yet she… she just did what she wanted, not caring about me or what I feel, or even who I am. She forced me to submit to her will, which infuriated me, yet turned me on at the same time.  I can't quite put a finger on the feeling, but she makes me feel stuff. Fear, dread, hate, and strangely… excitement.

I started walking to my dad’s car, as my mind was still around her, her voice, her face, her… fuck… her everthing. I waited for my dad, once the blue police car was in sight, as he was doing his job in this very dark forest.

My thoughts still rotated around my encounter with the mysterious Alessandra. I couldn’t help but think about her remarkable beauty, raven hair, and green eyes, almost piercing the soul out of me. Intriguing, annoying, infuriatingly beautiful, all adjectives that I could use to describe her.

I also noticed her rather messy looks, and impossible personality, ethereal under the moonlight… I groaned, what the fuck was wrong with me?

Why can’t she leave my damned head. Her damned pale freckled skin wouldn't leave my mind, in an annoyingly beautiful way. It’s excruciatingly painful, as I hate the way she was impregnated like a wine stain in a white shirt, only that she is in my head.

“Micheal” the old man says, startling me and pulling me out of my conflicting thoughts.

“Yeah, dad?”  I say, quite distracted, still pulling myself out of the trance, she put me in.

“We're done here, let’s get out of here” he says sternly. My eyes fall on blood in his hands, shining under the dim light of the moon. His police blue uniform was also splashed with the crimson liquid, looking very dark.

“Doing what exactly?” My suspicions kept rising, and even though I've done this with my dad previously, I never faced such an ominous feeling in my insides, something was wrong, and I could feel it. My eyes stayed almost glued to his bloody hands, as if it was a big metaphor.

“None of your business, kid” He says shortly after getting in the car. I know him enough to know that he won't give me straight answers, so I drop it.

Repeating the same old cycle.

“Okay” I mutter softly, getting in the passenger seat of the police car.

I close the door with thud, and we start moving, the car rides very silent. My mind was still picturing the events that this evening took, I always go with my father to do his little tasks here and there, but what does he do? It always remains a mystery. And I’m comfortable in such, actually, I take comfort in the fact that I don’t know my father’s doings, since I myself fear to know the meaning behind his actions, mainly because deep down, I know he is doing no good, and therefore I’m too scared of the truth, and that's the reason why I’m avoidant of it.

A few more silent moments pass, my mind still in a frenzy situation, yet I strangely relish in the fact that he is not interacting with me. I love my father… Well, I really don’t. He is not a good person, and I’m well aware of it. All the facade of the good police is just to hide his true crimes. Atrocities, only known to him and those he works with secretly, people I don’t know either.

My father always believed I’d carry his legacy. I never intend to, I’m deep down wishing for the day of his departure from earth, he’s my only and one worst nightmare, yet I try to convince myself that I like him, that I love him even.

“So, what did you do, while I was gone?” he interrupts my thought process, I look at him, my eyes traveling to his hands 

“Dad, why are your hands bloody?”


This few chapters were a little shitty, it will get better, promise

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