Chapter two: Sweet lost

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Little Alessandra's pov

13 years ago:

I am alone, and it doesn't feel nice.

Mommy and daddy left me here, I don't know why. I didn't even do anything wrong.

Maybe it's because I spilled the milk this morning when we were eating breakfast together.

I miss home.

But mommy gave me a chocolate bar before she went away. Would she do that if she was mad at me? I don't think so.

My body is shivering, it's so cold out here. I remember mommy once told me that she loved this time of the year, when Mr. Snow is awake and Mr. Heat is sleeping.

I'm still really scared though.

Mr. Snow is trying to make me happy by hugging me with his beautiful snowflakes. I really love him for it. He's nice.

"Th-thank you M-Mr. Sn-now" I say between shivers.

This place is full of strangers, I can watch them walk, they don't even notice me. It's so cool since I feel as if I were invisible. I giggled a little at the thought.

I have superpowers.

I miss mommy and daddy. Why would they leave me here by myself? I'm sure whatever I did is not worth this, I don't deserve this.

I feel the tears forming in my eyes. I don't fight them back. I'm scared. Mommy and daddy told me they loved me before they left, if that's true, then why would they leave me here alone in this place full of strangers?

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up, not before wiping the tears from my eyes.

I see a woman seated in my seat, looking at me with a smile. She was unusual, kinda funny looking. She had blonde hair with the ends colored in blue. I didn't know that was possible.

I want blue hair too.

Her eyes, which were of the same color as the ends of her hair, are looking at me.

For some reason, I feel safe, as if I knew her already, but I didn't let that cloud my judgment.

"Hello, sweetheart," she told me.

Her voice is weird, but I like it. It's somehow comforting.

"H-hello" I replied. I know my mommy told me not to talk to strangers, but she's not here so I assume I can be a little naughty. Besides, she seems nice.

"Why are you here alone sweetheart? And why are you crying? Where is your mommy?" She asks nicely. I look at her, trying to figure out whether she's trustworthy or not. I don't have many options anyways, so I don't know why I'm being picky.

"Mommy told me to not talk to strangers" I say back. She finds my reply funny, letting out a weird laugh. Her laugh is funny so I giggle with her. It's hard to not give in to the warm feeling I'm having around her.

"I'm your mommy's friend, I want to know where she is," she replies. I feel instantly better knowing that she can return me to my mommy.

"She left, I don't know where" I pout.

"How much time have you spent here?" The woman asked me, her tone suddenly taking a serious turn. I gulp down.

"Since the morning" I reply

"Ohh, I get it now," she trails off. There is a silence between us.

"How old are you, baby?" She asks.

"I'm not a baby, I'm turning 7 years old soon" I frowned. How dare she call me a baby?

She laughs at my response and then takes my hand in hers.

"Okay grown lady, would you like to go with me to a beautiful place" she asks me. Something felt off, but yet I wanted to go with her.

"Sure, do they sell ice cream?, because I loooove ice cream"

"They have everything you want," she replies, taking me in her arms.

"Everything? "

"Everything" she takes my hand and I smile at her.

What do we think? Yay or nay? Tell me in the comments plz ❤️

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