Chapter 5: Good bye

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Alessandra pov:

*3 years ago*

I walk through the silent forest, relishing in the darkness and the wild sounds surrounding me.

My hand is bloody, with the blood of the guy I met in the forest. He was intriguing, that’s for sure. He is just… ugh, I have no idea how to properly describe him, which is very frustrating, and humbling…

I’ve always had my way with words, but somehow, I’ve been left speechless at this very moment, which only increases my already high resentment towards him. I hate him, with all the capability of my cold and empty heart.

I reach my house, the lights are off, indicating that my parents are asleep. I walk into the silent house, making sure to be silent, as I do so, not wanting to disturb my parents'rest.

I love them, and that’s the reason behind my actions. I was raised to sacrifice myself for the group. And I’d do it every single fucking day, if that’s what it takes for us to get to be another day. It’s our life, and you actually sign your life away when you enter it.

It is a big deal, a huge deal for me and for everyone.

I put my guns away in the drawer, in their correspondent place. Cadaver’s smell fills my nostrils, but it’s not surprising as it is the smell I grew up with.

Blood, death, pain, things that marked my life, quite literally, or at least my body, as my skin is a mix of scars and tattoos. I take pride in it though. I walk in the house further, I hear a weak moan.

Not again please.

I guess it’s my parents having their love time, although usually they are nothing but discreet. That raises my suspicions, as I walk upstairs, the door to their room is half open, as the only light visible is of the lamp next to the nightstand.

Everything is quiet, then another moan is heard, short and strangled.

A moan of pain.

I tense, my instincts are already getting alarmed. Something is wrong here. Something is wrong, so wrong.

I rushed to the room. Everything falls silent as I take in my surroundings, all I can hear is a high pitched ring in my ear, and the muffled moans of pain of my mother, my bleeding mother on the floor.

I stare in horror, as I rush to her.

“Oh-!” I exclaim speechless as I see her staring at me in pain, her eyes barely open, tears slipping from her eyes, regret, apology… all things I saw there. At that moment, my mother didn't carry one bit of insanity in her eyes. All I saw was love, a lot of love, and... fear.

She was so scared. I was too, but… I was trying to be strong with her.

“Mom, hold on, please” I beg, my voice shaking in fear.  “Please don’t give up” I rush to get the phone, but she grabs my hand, not letting me.

“Don’t” she says softly “Sta-… stay with me” she groans, her eyes watering. My heart was tearing apart as I saw the fear and helplessness in her gaze, the love, the sobriety, she looked at me in a way that made me love her more than anything on the planet.

My savior.

The one and only, who loved me regardless. The mere realization that I refuse to think about, that her moments left are few hit me like a ton of bricks.

She was leaving me.

She looks at dad. That’s when my gaze travels to him… My hand clutches my mouth, as my tears start to fall, my father, the one who raised me. He was taking his last breaths, death consuming him, slowly.

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