I find myself thinking about reaching out to you often. I see how your life has bended and shifted. I know that there are plenty of things I no longer know about you.
where do you live?
what do you do for work now?
did you finish school?
how are your parents?
what happened with your ex?
do you miss having me as a friend?so so so many questions bounce around but then I also remember that communication is a two way street. and I remember that at the beginning of it all you were the one who chose to leave it be, so why do I want to check in? you're the one that left, remember?
maybe you don't remember it like I do. or maybe I prefer to think that to make you seem like a better person.
maybe we both will never reach out to each other because we're both waiting on each other. I guess I'll never know.
Puisiyou've probably stumbled upon this book in a matter of coincidence. this book is the most confusing, most randomly compiled thing to ever exist most likely. practically anything that i have purely and deeply thought, written, or felt, is in this boo...