How it all started

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I wake up to a shooting pain in my arm. I look down to see I was lying on my arm. I rise from my bed, look over at my phone. My best friend Brent has text me.

'Good morning Harm, I just wanted to say that I'm in school today so wait for me by the gate!' I don't even bother to reply, there's no point; all he does is reply 'k' when I do.

"Fuck!" I rush to my wardrobe o. "I'm late, I'm late! Brent's gonna kill me!" I pull my old black jeans on and my red and black button shirt. I run to the mirror and put on my eyeliner on as quick as I can. I fix my purple and blue hair and I run down stairs. I pick up my black rucksack, slips on my converse and run to the door. "BYE MUM! BYE DAD!" I slam the door behind me. "I'm so sorry Brent; I woke up late." I said while wrapping my arms around him.

"It's okay, I haven't been here for long." Brent says.

"So have you done your English homework?" I say jumping in front of him with energy.

"Wait, we had homework? WAIT, WE HAVE ENGLISH TODAY!?" Brent shouts with the worst look on his face.

"Yeah, I text you about it last night. What were you doing last night anyway?" I ask

"Um... N-nothing..." Brent says, starring at the floor.

"Brent, you can tell me anything." I say as I grab his arm. He lets out a little shriek. I look down to his arm "Brent?" I asks, looking really concerned.

"I'm sorry Harm, I couldn't stop myself! I promise I won't do it again." I can see the tears in his eyes. I do nothing but wrap my arm around him.

"Brent, you said that last time. You need to be strong! Tristan isn't gonna stop if he sees you hurting like this" I say almost crying.
"Harm, what about you, Maxi isn't going to stop if you don't say anything back." He says looking into my eyes

"Brent, I can take care of myself. What Maxi says is just a bitch opinion, Tristan is the real problem here." Brent looks at me and nods.

"I know." We carry on walking to school. Brent was holding his long sleeves down. How could he do this? I know it's hard but he always says I won't understand because I haven't done anything like that before. But what if I did understand. What am I even thinking about? "Harm, are you okay?" Brent asks. I look at him and I nod. We walk through the gates of hell. Also known as the gate to our high school.

"Brent-" I start.

"Make sure nobody sees." Brent finishes my sentence once again. We walked past the cars and greeted by the wonderful sight of Tristan and Maxi were making out again by the gas pump. How romantic.

"That's gross!" I say making a funny face.

"Yeah... Yeah it is gross" Brent says with a sad or disappointed look on his face.

'Bell rings'

"I'll see you later Brent, okay?" I say holding my arm out.

"Yeah, see you later Harmony" I start to walk to drama. It's my favourite lesson EVER! My teacher is the best, he lets us pick our own groups and do our own choice of drama. I take my seat next to Louise. She looks up at me with a look of disgust. I'm not very liked here, neither is Brent. I guess that's why we're best friends.

"Omg, look it's the freak of the school." I hear a group of girls giggling behind me. Not to my surprise, Maxi is sitting there, giggling along with the group of the 'perfect' girls. "Who would have hair like that? I mean seriously it's so weird. No wonder no one likes her." This is normal to me. Getting bullied for who I am. I'm the weird one here. I don't have 'perfectly' curled hair, 'perfect' skin. I'm just me.

'Bell rings'

FINALLY! I have a free period and so does Brent. "Hello singing Harmony." Brent says with a smirk on his face.

"Well someone's happy, what happened in Music?" I ask giving him a big hug, as if I hadn't seen him in years.

"Well... Tristan fell over in class. Um... I sat alone which was good. Um... oh yeah I got a A* in my music exam!" Brent says, holding me by my shoulders.

"Oh my god, Brent that's amazing!" I say grabbing Brent and hugging him again.

"I know! It was amazing I-" Brent stops in mid sentence. I look to the right to see Tristan storming towards us.

"Hello faggot! What are you doing today? Oh wait I don't care." Tristan grabs Brent by his shoulders and shoved him against the lockers. "This is what you get for being a sad, lonely, depressed, emo freak" I can see Brent holding back the tears in his eyes. "What you gonna do cry? Go on cry. That's what all lonely emo freaks do, isn't it. Go on I dare you cry." Tristan punched Brent round the face. and again in the stomach. Brent doubles over and sucks in his breath. I try to pull Tristan away from Brent. But I'm the process, I get punched around the face. I can feel blood rushing to the right side of my face. "Oh look. I hit your girlfriend. Haha what freaks." Tristan says and walks off with a smug look on his face.

"Brent? Are you okay?" I ask, running to him. I don't care that I got hit. I only care about Brent. He's the only one who cares about me.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay? I mean you got hit pretty bad." He asks me looking up at me.

"I'm perfect. I'm just making sure your okay." I smile at him. I help him up and look into his eyes. We stare into each others eyes. He leans towards me.

'Bell rings'

I step away. "I better go... I'll talk to you later." Brent looks at me with a frown on his face.

"Okay I'll talk to you after."

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story
Megan xx

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