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I run through Harms front door and go strait into the living room. I see her just standing there, starring at the floor. "She killed herself... and there was nothing I could do" She says. I walk over and go to hug her but she pushes me away.

"I know you upset, but please let me hug you" I say holding my arms out.

"I don't want to hug you... Maxi just died" she says starring at me.

I look at her. "Why do you care so much?" I asked.

"Why do I care so much?! she's a human being" She says firmly.

"Just with what she done to you I would have thought you wouldn't care" I say tilting my head down.

"Get out... GET OUT!" She shouts. I don't say a word. I leave the house and start to walk home.

"Hey Brent!" I hear Tristan shout towards me. I turn around and stare at him.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you... so to make up for it I was thinking you would like to go out for  drink" he says, I shoot him a blank look. I could go and have a drink with him, my help me forget about Harmony.

"Okay sure why not" I say. I walk down the street with Tristan.


I walk into a bar. It's a good thing I look older than I actually am. I can pass for a 18 year old. Plus the man standing outside didn't really give a shit. I walk up to the bar and order a beer. I drink it within seconds. Then I order another and another and another. The room starts to move. I start to dance with Tristan. 

I wake up in my bedroom with a banning head ace. I look at my phone to see a missed call from harm.

"You called" I say.

"Get over hear now" She says. I don't even question her and I leave my house and start to walk. As I'm walking I hear a rustling noise in my right pocket. I reach in to find a bag half full of a white substance. I didn't... no no I didn't. did I take drugs? did Tristan make me? I throw the bag in the bin and knock on Harms door. Lou opens the door and lets me in.

"Hello, Brent come in and sit down" Lou walks me into the living room where I see Harmony sitting on the sofa.

"What's happened?" I ask. Harm looks up at Lou and hands her something. Lou walks over to me and hands me a stick object. Positive.

"Fuck... harmony tell me your joking" she shoots me a sad look "TELL ME YOURE JOKING!" I put my head into my hands.

"Well you have to get rid of it" I say. Harmony looks at me.

"I'm not getting rid of my baby" She says, I can see her face going red.

"well you can't keep it, you're not capable of nursing a baby" I say.

"yes I am" She stands up.

"Harmony look at yourself, your broken, You've lost your little sister and if you think having a baby is going to bring her back then your wrong" I say. Harmony starts to cry.

"I'm keeping this baby, if you don't want to be in its life then that's your choice, but I'm keeping it" she stares at me.

"I can't leave my baby fatherless, but you cant raise a baby still living with your parents, what would they think?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I will run away if I have too" she says.

I run over and hug her. "I love you" I say. "I love you too"


thank you for reading, I decided not to end this book because it wasn't really going anywhere.

Megan xx 

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