past, present, and maybe future

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the station was bustling, the rhythmic clattering of trains filling the air as luke stood still, lost in thought. it had been a while since he had celebrated his birthday with family—four years to be exact—and this time, at 23, he was headed back to london, not just to reunite with his loved ones but to introduce someone new into his life. jade, his girlfriend of a few months, couldn’t join him today, but she’d follow soon enough.

luke was about to step onto the train when a flash of blonde hair caught his attention. his heart froze for a moment. it couldn’t be her. but as he turned, the woman’s face became unmistakable—nicola.

her back was turned, yet everything about her was familiar, the way she stood, her posture, the casual elegance she always had. his feet seemed to move on their own, and before he could think twice, he found himself walking toward her. the crowd and the urgency of his departure faded away as memories surged back, pulling him toward the past. it was like seeing her for the first time all over again.

nicola turned around, and their eyes met—his denim blue ones locking with her crystal blue gaze. it was as if time had folded in on itself, compressing the four years they’d spent apart into this single, heart-stopping moment. luke’s breath caught in his throat as every memory he had of her came rushing back. she hadn’t changed at all. or maybe it was him who hadn’t.

for a brief second, neither spoke, as though words might break whatever spell had been cast over them. finally, luke spoke, his voice soft and uncertain.


“nicola,” she corrected gently, and though her voice was calm, her eyes betrayed the emotions swirling beneath the surface. he noticed a tear slipping down her cheek, and without thinking, he reached out to wipe it away.

"nicola," he repeated, his voice thick with the weight of everything unsaid. she smiled at him, the kind of smile that once made his heart race.

“luke,” she whispered, her voice barely audible but enough to send his pulse racing.

“it’s been a while,” he said, clearing his throat. “nics—nicola.” the name slipped out as if it had never left his lips.

nicola giggled softly, “i guess nics is alright.”

he smiled, a mixture of relief and nostalgia washing over him. “i didn’t expect to see you here.”

“neither did i,” she admitted. her eyes flickered with something he couldn’t quite place, but the warmth between them was undeniable, despite the years apart.

luke swallowed, the next words heavy on his tongue. “would it be alright if we, i don’t know, grab a coffee or something? i mean, it’s been years, and i—”

“sure,” she interrupted, grinning at his awkwardness. her laugh was light, but there was a hint of nervousness too.

as they settled into a small café near the station, luke couldn’t help but notice how easily they fell back into conversation, despite the gap between them, it feels like the first time, it was how things started and ended between them. the barista handed over their drinks, a cappuccino for luke and a latte with less foam for nicola—he remembered.

nicola took a sip, eyes closed, savouring the moment. when she opened them again, luke was already looking at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

“you remember,” she said, her voice soft with nostalgia.

“of course,” luke replied, his smile widening. “how could i forget?”

they spoke for a while, catching up on their lives—her success with derry girls, his travels for various plays and projects. it was lighthearted at first, but there was an unspoken tension beneath the surface.

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