darling little thing

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Authors note!

Okay,so for this story as I do with all of my stories I asked very talented or in this case,a lot of very talented authors came to me to make a cover for me. All of the covers were beautiful. I stayed up all night to pick a cover. I ended up taking this wonderful cover by an amazing wattpader. (I'll tag her at the end of the next chapter) And I picked this cover because it was the one who most reflected of what this story will be like. But overall if ever I need any covers I will come to these authors again,asking for their help! for every chapter I will try to put their covers in the picture thingie so you guys will be able to see their work (: Anyway, lets get this chapter started shall we?

Yes we shall.


Lissa was in no mood to play games.

She had one of the two boys in a head lock and her conversed foot stuffed in the folds of the other boy's sweatshirt that said "Go bears go!" in shiny golden cursive letters as the font.

"Sorry Lissa!" One boy said from the floor through his mouthful of sand.

The other boy let out a cry and tried to nod through her headlock.

"Tsk tsk," Lissa made a clicking sound with her tongue, "Don't do it again." She said with a scowl.

They nodded so fast and with so much expression that she thought their heads would fling off.

she loosened her grip and they ran away, tears streaming down their faces.

Lissa was seven.


Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun I wanna start a fight!

The music's melody filled Lissa's room with it's catchy tune and she softly sang along. She was listening to the music as she finished her homework for her french class.

'What if I told her plankton ate my homework or tore it apart?' Lissa thought, a frown leaving wrinkles on her forehead.

'Nah' she thought with a sigh, 'I cannot blame my puppy'. she bit the end of her pen.

She scrunched up her nose and finally thought of the answers.

She didn't know if the answers were right,  but at least she tried. She quickly wrote them down before she forgot them, quickly put them in her folder and stuffed it her her school bag.


Lissa heard that sound,but it was very faint.

She opened her window and the call for help became louder.

She did the only thing that was right, took the nearest weapon in her room and left to go look for the troubled person.


Lissa discovered that the sound came from the alley.

She gripped her baseball bat tighter. So tight her knuckles turned white.

Like her dad had gripped the wheel before the car accident happened.

She pushed the memory from her head and went deeper in the alley,letting out slow breaths,and trying her very best to stay quiet.

''HELP M-MMF!'' the scream for help which was different from the first  followed by a harsh sound, and a body falling to the floor.

Lissa took one of her hands and covered her mouth to stifle her scream.

She took one last breath, ran closer within three seconds of insane and stupid courage and swung her baseball bat to the back of the dark figure who was wearing a cape?


At the last minute the dark figure swung around and grabbed her bat.


Lissa carefully took in the scene before her.

He held a young girl in his other arm-maybe thirteen at most and a pudgy man lay on the floor.

The younger girl screamed for help(that's what she heard from her window) and the caped hero came and saved her,knocking out the man to save her.

Lissa breathed out a sigh of relief and lowered her bat with quivering hands.

''Um, ar-are you okay?'' she asked to the girl who was smiling shyly.

''Yes.'' she smiled and dreamily looked up at the guy who saved her.

He was wearing a mask, he had light brown eyes and a pale face with full lips.

 His hair was black and messy,like he just had woken up. 

He kind of dressed like batman,except without the tights and with ripped jeans instead. 

Instead of a bat logo on his shirt there was a light moon that looked faded.

He looked at Lissa too, his eyes trailing to her big sweatshirt,sponge bob pajama shorts and baseball bat.

''Take a picture, It'll last longer.'' Lissa snapped.

''I could say the same to you.'' He smirked.

she pointed the bat to him.

''Don't test me,bat boy.'' Lissa said carefully, warning him.

He poked out his finger and pushed her bat down.

''I'll do whatever I want.'' he said his voice above a whisper.

The little girl later explained to Lissa and the mystery boy that her friends dared her to go in the alley and come back,kind of like a twisted version of when Nemo touched the boat.

How cliché.

Lissa turned around after making sure she was back home safely and went back home with only one single thought in her head.

'I want to be a superhero'...


First chapter! Sorry it was so short! It will be much longer next time!

Hope you keep reading, i was thinking about writing a superhero story for a longgggg time and ta da! Here it is! 

Update will be soon,


Jo c:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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