A Glance in the Dark

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The heavy walls of Hogwarts seemed to breathe with the magic that lived in its stones. As the last class of the week came to an end, you gathered your things, the weight of books and parchments familiar in your arms. The late afternoon light filtered through the castle's ancient windows, casting long shadows across the floor as you wove through the sea of students in the corridor.

Your chambers were a welcome retreat. Dropping the heavy load onto the table near the window, you let out a sigh of relief, feeling the burden of the week slip from your shoulders. The room was softly lit by the fading sunlight, warm and quiet. You stretched your arms, savoring the moment of peace before dressing for dinner.

In the mirror, you caught a glimpse of yourself, your face flushed from the day's work. You smoothed down your robes, freshened up, and made your way to the Great Hall.

When you entered, the hall was alive with the murmur of students starting their meals. The air was thick with the warmth of food and laughter, the floating candles above casting a soft, magical glow over everything. You found your seat at the head table beside Professor Severus Snape, whose dark, piercing eyes flickered briefly in your direction.

"Everything taken care of?" he asked in his smooth, measured tone, pouring you a glass of wine from the silver pitcher with its boar-headed spout.

"As always, Professor," you replied, offering a slight smile as you accepted the drink.

The dinner was quiet yet satisfying, and as you glanced over the hall, your eyes were drawn to the students, sharing quiet conversations and stolen glances, laughter filling the air. Time seemed to slow as you sipped your wine, the tension of the day slipping away with every drop.

After exchanging a few words with Snape about the upcoming lessons, you stood, offering a polite nod to the other professors, before making your way towards the towering doors of the Great Hall. You slipped through the students, weaving through the currents of conversation and movement until the grand entrance loomed before you.

As you reached the door, a presence caught your attention. Just in front of you stood Lucius Malfoy, his figure illuminated by the dim, flickering torches lining the walls. His gaze met yours, and time seemed to freeze.

He was tall, imposing, his silver hair sleek and polished, falling in perfect sheets around his sharp, aristocratic face. His eyes, cold and calculating, pierced through you as if he could read every secret you kept. His robes were rich, dark fabric swirling around him like shadows. The cane in his hand, topped with a serpent's head, glinted faintly in the low light.

As you approached, he stepped aside, granting you passage with a smooth, graceful motion. The air around him was thick with power, and as you passed, his scent—a mix of cold, rich earth and something ancient—washed over you. It was intoxicating, heady, and left a lingering trace in your mind as you walked away.

The moment passed, but the electric tension remained, thrumming through you as you made your way back towards your chambers. 

Sins of Slytherin I Lucius Malfoy x Reader Smut short storyWhere stories live. Discover now