Scent of Seduction

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You made your way through the silent, winding corridors of the castle, Lucius Malfoy's presence still lingering in your thoughts. His scent, rich and cold like the essence of winter, clung to you. Shaking your head, you pushed the thoughts away as you entered your chambers. The familiar comfort of the room welcomed you, and with a sigh, you headed towards the small corner where your cooling box stood.

Opening it, you retrieved a bottle of red wine, its deep color gleaming in the candlelight. You poured yourself a small glass, just enough to calm your restless thoughts. Slipping out of your robes, you changed into a black silk nightgown that clung to your form, light and soft against your skin. The quiet of the room settled around you as you took a seat at your desk, the flickering candle casting warm shadows as hot wax slowly dripped onto the wood. You began sorting through student assignments, the delicate scratching of quill on parchment filling the silence.

A knock on the door pulled you from your concentration. Curious, you rose, your bare feet quiet against the stone floor as you made your way to the door. When you opened it, the first thing you saw was the serpent-headed cane. Your breath caught as your gaze lifted to meet the cold, piercing eyes of Lucius Malfoy.

"I'm Lucius Malfoy," he began, a slow smirk playing at his lips. "But I believe you already knew that."

His gaze drifted over you, lingering on the silky fabric of your nightgown, eyes darkening as they traced the curves of your body. His presence filled the doorway, commanding and dangerous.

"Miss Y/L/N, I presume? Severus sent me. He mentioned that you might be... very helpful to me," Lucius said, his voice a deep, smooth purr as his gaze returned to your face, studying you intently.

You swallowed, feeling your heartbeat quicken under the weight of his scrutiny. "What can I do for you, sir?" you asked, offering a small nod.

Without a word, he pushed the door open with his cane and stepped inside, his presence filling the small space. He moved gracefully, with the confidence of a man who knew he was in control. His eyes swept the room briefly before landing back on you.

"I understand you have a rather impressive collection of potion ingredients," he said nonchalantly, his voice silkier than before as he walked deeper into the room, as if it was his own. "Tell me, by any chance, do you hold powdered horn of a Bicorn in your collection?"

You raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering through your thoughts. "And for what purpose would you need it?" you asked, not breaking eye contact, your voice steady despite the tension building in the room.

Lucius's lips curved into a small, knowing smile. He took a step closer, his gaze intense, burning into yours. "I'm afraid I cannot share that particular detail with you, Miss Y/L/N. However, Severus assured me that you would be more than capable of assisting me." His voice dropped lower, a dark, seductive note weaving into his words. "Unless, of course, he was mistaken... in which case, I will bid you goodnight."

He gave you a small, mocking bow and began to turn towards the door. The space between you suddenly felt too empty, and instinctively, your hand reached out, brushing against his arm to stop him.

"That's not necessary," you said, your voice softer, holding him in place. "I have what you need right here."

Lucius turned back, his eyes gleaming as they traced the line of your arm down to where your fingers lightly touched his sleeve. He followed you with a predatory grace as you led him to the shelves framing your room. Your wand was resting by your bed, and you had to do with the nearest chair, pulling it towards the tall shelves to fetch the small jar of powdered Bicorn horn resting on top.

Climbing onto the chair, you stretched up, fingers brushing against the jar's smooth surface. You grasp it and turn back to Lucius. You stretch your hand, but instead of him taking the jar, he rests his caine against the shelfs and in the next moment you felt a firm, commanding grip on your waist. Lucius's hands. In one fluid motion, he lifted you down, placing you gently on the floor. The air around you crackled with the tension as your body pressed against his, your breath quickening all the while keeping his eyes locked on yours.

"Such a diligent assistant," he murmured, his voice dark and rich with amusement. "I must say, Severus was not wrong about you." He trailed his hand from your waist, up along your side, tracing a path over your arm until his fingers closed over the jar. "Though I believe your talents go far beyond potions."

His words hung in the air between you, laced with intent. His cold gray eyes held you captive, the space between you both shrinking until you could feel his breath against your skin.

"Thank you, Miss Y/L/N," he said softly, his voice like velvet. "Your assistance... has been most appreciated."

Your breath hitched as you found yourself lost in his gaze, your voice caught in your throat as the intensity of the moment washed over you. "You're... you're welcome," you finally managed to breathe out, the silence between you filled only by the soft, steady rhythm of your breaths.

Lucius gave a small, satisfied smile, his eyes lingering on you for a moment longer before he finally stepped back, cane in hand. With one last glance, he turned, his movements smooth and deliberate as he made his way to the door. 

Sins of Slytherin I Lucius Malfoy x Reader Smut short storyWhere stories live. Discover now