Ouran and, Nekozawa?

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(A/n- I'm sorry my punctuation has been terrible the last few chapters. But I'm not gonna bother changing them because I want to get on with the story alright. Alright, LET'S GO!).

Eliana's pov
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock, which was on the other side of the room. I slowly got up since I was sore, the position I was in made me look like all my limbs were twisted. I limped like a zombie to the nightstand (where my alarm clock is). I was about to gently press the stop button, but I stopped a centimeter above the button. Only my sisters know what's about to happen.

I moved my hand up and down over the alarm clock about three times. Suddenly I here the door open, but I didn't care. I smashed my fist in the clock, breaking it instantly. That's when I heard a familiar soothing voice with a british accent.

Sebastian's pov
"Young Mistress, your breakfast is ready. You shall be served a simple breakfast, pancakes and scrambled eggs. Would you like toast or scones with that Mistress?", I asked in a calm tone, even though I witnessed what had happened. Eliana's eyes widened despite the glaring eyes and dark circles around her eyes. I could tell she was having a restful sleep, until her alarm woke her.

"Toast please. And make sure it got butter on it.", she said in a groggy voice, "oh yeah, and where's that uniform at?". I knew what she said but I didn't the way she was saying it. She may have been raised as a boy, but she's certainly not one that's speaks proper english.

"I shall prepare the toast for you and your uniform is in the second drawer to the left. Shall I call for a maid to help you put it on?", I asked.

"No thanks. I can put this on myself." Eliana answered, setting the folded uniform on her bed. I headed down stairs to the kitchen. Where the chef was preparing Eliana's breakfast.

Back to Eliana's pov
I quickly put on my uniform with ease. Brushed my hair and my teeth and ran down the stairs into the dining room. I saw Sebastian pour some orange juice into a cup on the table with a glass plate that had my breakfast on it. Sebastian then looked at me and his eyes slightly widened.

"Young Mistress, may I ask you a question? ".


"I know you're supposed to be a boy character at your school. But how will the other students think you're a boy when you have that?", he asked me while pointing at my chest. I forgot I hadn't put that strap thing on. I quickly ran back upstairs. I agusted the strap thing to my chest. It was a bit painful, but I'll get used to it.

I ran back downstairs finally looking like a real boy (pinnochio anyone). Then sat down at the big dining table to eat my food. It was a little cold considering that I took forever to get ready but that didn't matter because I was starving. Sebastian then returned from Grell knows where and he said, "Very good mistress Eliana.".

I smiled and said thank you to the chef when I was finished eating. I grabbed my book bag and flew out the door. With Sebastian waiting at the car of course.

As he was driving to my new school I was sitting in the limo looking for my sketch book. Then Sebastian was holding up a green spiral notebook while still looking forward.

"Is this what your looking this, Young Mistress?", he asked.

I stood up from my seat and walked to Sebastian, who was still driving. I grabbed the Sketch book and was about to go back to my seat. But I felt the car stop, which made me fall over and land on my now flat chest. It was so painful I almost felt tears in my eyes and boy was I pissed.

"Sebastian! Could you stop a little more immediate please, I don't think you made a bruise on my boob yet!", I yelled sarcastically.

"I'm terribly sorry Mistress. But at least we're here.", he said pointing to the high school. My mood then changed to excitement as I quickly grabbed my book which was on the floor (you know, since she fell). Sebastian then opened my door and I got out as quick as possible.

"Thanks Sebastian.", I said.

"You're welcome Mistre-, I mean Master. Remember that your homeroom is class 1-A, you better hurry or you're going to be late.", Sebastian said while returning to the driver's seat.

"Oh crap! You're right!". I started sprinting to the big shool, with a few girls glancing at me with that, love at first - sight look. As soon as I get inside, I realized something.


Nekozawa's pov
I was walking to class in my black cloak, as usual, but I had also dropped belzinef so u was looking for him along the way. That's when I heard...

It was so loud that my entire body flinched. From where I could here it, I turned to the to see a boy with spikey brown hair downstairs, looking like he had just been through an apocalypse. I walked down the stairs to him and asked in my echoing, deep voice, "Are you in need of assistance?". Even though I knew the answer was going to be 'no' because everyone thinks I'm a creepy emo.

Surprisingly, he didn't have that look of fear in his eyes. "Yi, I'm looking for class 1-A. I'm new here so I have no clue where everything is.", he said in his city accent.

"Oh, w-well", I stuttered, "just go upstairs and take a right. You'll find the class room on the far left side.". He looked at me with a confused expression. 'Does this kid have amnesia or something?', I thought to myself. "I'll just lead you there.", I said.

As we walked in complete silence his classroom. It was getting very awkward, but it seemed the boy was the first to brake the silence.

"I'm Eloen Torres, what's yours?" He asked.

"My name is Umehito Nekozawa. But most people call me Nekozawa."

"I think I'll call you by your first name. It's only natural for me."

"So, where'd you transfer from?"

"I was home schooled back in New York."

"Oh. Also you didn't seem scared of me back there."

Why would I be? You're just like me, we worship the darkness but everyone thinks where crazy."

"But you don't seem like the dark type?"

Eloen then stopped and looked down on the floor, which caused me to stop and look back at him. He then looked up with one eye being covered by his bangs. The eye that was showing gave me chills up my spine. It wasn't the curios/confused look he gave me before, it was dark and malicious.
"I may seem like you're typical cute boy, but in reality, I'm as dark as the night.", he said in a low, intimidating voice. He then started walking very slowly, again. Then I said with a smirk.

"How would you like to join the Black Magic Club. I'm the president of the club.", I said. Eleon's glaring face quickly turned into excitement.

"You got a Black Magic Club here! Of course I want to join!"

And with that, we were now at Eleon's classroom. He then shuck my hand and said, "It was nice meeting you, Umehito, I'll see you after school."

"You too.". I then walked off to go to my class. 'There's something strange about him. Especially with that hand shack. Why was his hand so soft?'

Eliana's pov
I walked inside the classroom and I could feel hundreds of eyes on me, which made me a little nervous. I walked to the teacher and told him I was new  student. He then got up and I stood in front of the class.

"Everyone, this is the new transfer student, Eleon Torres." The teacher announced. As I looked around the room, I saw many of the girl students blushing and having hearts in their eyes. While some of the male students were giving me glares.

"Mr. Torres. You will sit in front of Mr.Fujioka.", the teacher said pointing to a brown haired kid. I was a little confused, but I shook it off. I walked to my seat and when I sat down, Fujioka said to me.

"Hi. I'm Haruhi. It's a pleasure to meet you.", Haruhi spoke. Now I was really confused. I didn't get why the teacher said 'Mister'. I have a feeling that boy is hiding something. Or should I say, girl.

I'm sorry for taking such a long time on this chapter. Please forgive me, I've been having a bad case of insomnia and turn out going to sleep at 6 in the morning. And don't worry, Eliana will meet the host club soon. But for now she's with Nekozawa-senpai. So thanks for reading and let me know in the comments what you think of the story so far. Oki byeneeeeee!

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