Due Date

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As Aurora approached her due date, the excitement in their home grew palpable. Jungkook had taken time off from his schedule to be there for her, and he was fully committed to supporting her through the final stages of her pregnancy.

One evening, while they were relaxing in the living room, Aurora felt a sudden rush of warmth and lightness wash over her. "I can't believe we're about to become parents," she said, resting her head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Neither can I," he replied, wrapping an arm around her. "It's surreal, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is," she said, her heart swelling with joy and anticipation. "I can't wait to meet our little one."

As the days passed, Aurora felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The reality of childbirth loomed closer, and while she was eager to hold her baby, she also felt the weight of the unknown pressing down on her.

One evening, as they prepared for bed, Aurora looked at Jungkook, her heart racing. "What if I'm not strong enough? What if something goes wrong during the delivery?"

He took her hands, his gaze steady. "You're stronger than you know, my love. You've faced so much already, and I believe in you. We'll get through this together, no matter what."

With a deep breath, Aurora nodded, allowing his reassurance to fill her with courage. "Thank you for believing in me."

When the day finally arrived, the reality hit them both like a tidal wave. Aurora woke up in the early hours of the morning, feeling contractions that intensified with each passing moment. Jungkook was immediately alert, jumping out of bed and rushing to her side.

"Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I think so," she replied, her breath quickening. "It's time."

The ride to the hospital felt surreal, every bump in the road reminding Aurora of the impending change that was about to occur. Jungkook held her hand tightly, offering comforting words and gentle smiles.

Once they arrived at the hospital, they were guided through the process, and soon Aurora was settled in a delivery room. The atmosphere was both chaotic and calm, with nurses bustling around and the steady rhythm of machines creating a backdrop to the intense moment unfolding.

Jungkook remained by her side, whispering words of encouragement. "You're doing amazing, love. Just breathe."

As the contractions grew stronger, Aurora focused on Jungkook's voice, drawing strength from his unwavering support. Hours passed, and the intensity of the experience began to take its toll on her.

"I can't do this," she gasped, feeling overwhelmed by the pain and the fear that crept in with each wave of contraction.

"Yes, you can," Jungkook replied, his voice steady and full of conviction. "You're the strongest person I know. Just remember, we're almost there. Focus on me, on our baby. We're doing this together."

His encouragement ignited a flicker of determination within her. She squeezed his hand tightly, finding solace in his presence. "I need you," she breathed, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"I'm right here," he reassured her, gently brushing a stray of curls hair from her forehead. "You're not alone in this. Just take it one breath at a time."

As the hours wore on, the staff in the room shifted, and Aurora  felt both exhilarated and exhausted. She could hear the muffled sounds of other mothers giving birth in the distance, the commotion blending into her own symphony of labor.

Finally, the moment came when the doctor entered the room, her expression professional yet warm. "Okay, Aurora, it's time to start pushing. Are you ready?"

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