chapter 1

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Reeces pov

Me and Marjorie both decided that we don't want kids of our own and that we have decided to Foster then adopt, not sure if we are going to Foster from toddler through to 18. We both want to give a child a loving home as that's not what me and Marjorie had growing up. I was looking at different nkids who are looking for a home I saw a set of twins they looked perfect for our home as we have a 7 bedroom home so loads of room for them and a very big garden for them to have a swing set, I looked over at Marjorie and asked if we should 87hg foster these two
Marjorie agreed that we should definitely foster them as they had a sad back ground, and that we can offer them a safe home for them to grow up in. I put in the application form for me and Marjorie to become foster cares and that we are happy to offer these two into our home for as long as they need and that we are happy to do emergency fostering as we both work in a nursery during the day.

We got a letter in the post from the fostering company im to scared to open it so I let Marjorie open it, reece Marjorie says this is going to change our lives she said with a big smile on her face, what is it I ask she looks at me and says that we have been approved as foster cares . I picked Marjorie up and spun her round once we both calmed down I gave her a big kiss and said do we tell autumn and winter and the nursery gang, Marjorie says yes let's tell them,
Group chat
Myself and reece have found out today that we are going to be foster carers
Sorsha: thats grand you two will make amazing foster parents
Autumn: thats amazing news
Winter: you will be amazing
Charlotte: im so happy for you
Mia: they will have the best foster carers
Carly: I'll happily babysit
Reece: thanks everyone our plan is foster then adopt, carly there will be plenty of babysitting
Marjorie: thank you everyone Myself and reece are excited

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