chapter 8

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Reece pov

Me and Marjorie  have been  busy as we both have had a few emergency foster kids come and go most  stayed a week  most a night, me and Marjorie havent had our honeymoon yet as we have been  busy.  I'm looking  at  the Disney  cruise  we can  go  on for  a week  we can take April with us as she will enjoy it, its not common to take kids on a honeymoon  but I don't want to leave April with  a different foster carers for the week, I book 3 tickets  for  us all i tell Marjorie that  I have booked tickets for a Disney cruise  its all inclusive as I want it  to be  a lovely holiday for us and April.

Today is the day that me, reece and April  are setting  off for a week on the cruise  we arrive  and go through  security they checked our passports  mine and reeces were OK they had to double checked Aprils  passport  as she has a different  surname to us as our surname  is  knight hers is Jones, once everything was checked we headed on to the boat Aprils  face lit up as she has never been  on a boat before, we settled  in to our cabin  which  was big.
The week  went so fast  as we were having  a great time, captain Jack  sparrow  dared Reece to run like him i got it on video going to  show this at his 40th, Minnie mouse  loved April we both have lots of photos  of  her and we both agreed  that  we are definitely going to  adopt April. The holiday  came to an end it was the best week we ever had April really  enjoyed  it I can't  believe  that she will  be starting  school  in September as she's leaving  nursery at the beginning of summer, Aprils friends  are going  to  the same  infant school as her, its a nice school  as it has a primary school  attached to  it we have got her school  uniform  ready for her first day at school  we have already  said who will be  collecting April  if me and reece are unable to the people who  can collect April  is  Sorsha and cloudagh, Charlotte and mia, winter and Autumn and carly  they have all been  given the password.

marjoreeces adopted kidWhere stories live. Discover now