chapter 13

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Today  me and Marjorie  have a meeting  with  our social worker  April is at school  carly  is going  to pick  her up, we both hear the door bell ring Marjorie  makes her way to the kitchen to  make  us a coffee and our social worker a tea, I open  the  door and greet the social worker I close the door and we both make our way to the lounge Marjorie  comes in carrying our drinks she places them on the table  in front  of  us she sits next to me on the sofa ready to start.

Social worker pov
Hello  im here to discuss  how  April  has settled in  and if she's happy  here as another foster family are interested in fostering  her, me and Marjorie  both looked at each other and said that April  has really settled  here, it would  upset her to move her we are hoping  that we can  be her mum and dad by adopting  her its what we both want to do as it will  give her a stable loving  home, we both love April  she loves  us and she's always  asking nan she stay for evervas she's made so many friends here. I agree with what you both said  about  April  being  settled her and that she loves both of you I remember the day she first  moved in that she would be  happy  hear you both will have  to go to court to sign the adoption contract  can  do it at 2pm today if that works  for  you  both we both nodded, the social worker  said her goodbyes and that she will  see us later, I turn  to  Marjorie  when  the social  worker  left with tears in my eyes I can  see  that Marjorie  has tears in her eyes  I pull Marjorie  in to a hug and  say we are Aprils  family , I let go of Marjorie and say come on let's go and adopt April.

We arrive  at the court we both head in go  through security  to make sure we aren't carrying  anything, we head up to the court room and meet our social worker with  big smiles  on our faces as this is the happiest  time in our lives we head in with  our social  worker  we meet the judge who  listens to why we want to adopt April , there wasn't  a dry eye in the room the judge makes their decision and says congratulations  Marjorie  knight and reece knight you are now April Jones adopted parents, me and Marjorie  thanked him and we decided  to tell  April at Christmas but we are telling  the group  chat
Group chat
Reece me and Marjorie have adopted  April we aren't  going to tell her until  Christmas
Winter congratulations
Autumn  congratulations
Char omg congratulations guys you will be amazing parents
Mia congratulations
Carly yay I get to see April more
Sorsha congratulations guys
Cloudagh  congratulations
Marjorie thanks my loves me and  reece are so happy

marjoreeces adopted kidWhere stories live. Discover now