Echoes of The Past

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Time seemed to fly by after that day, and before Selene knew it, they were heading into their fifth year at Hogwarts. The memory of that fateful sorting day loomed large in her mind-a painful reminder of the moment when everything changed. She and Sirius had been inseparable for years, but that day, as he was sorted into Gryffindor, their bond had been shattered.

Now, even living under the same roof, they were like strangers. A chasm had opened between them, and they had not shared a normal conversation in years. Every glance was laden with unspoken words, each shared space filled with an uncomfortable silence. They could barely look at each other without feeling the weight of their divergent paths.

As she packed her suitcase, folding her robes with care, Selene stole a glance around her room. It felt depressing, as if it held all the shadows of their fractured relationship. After Sirius became a Gryffindor, her parents had moved her into this room, isolating her from the shared memories of their childhood. She suspected it was an effort to prevent any lingering rebellious influence he might have on her.

 She suspected it was an effort to prevent any lingering rebellious influence he might have on her

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"Like I would ever follow him," she thought bitterly, pushing down a surge of resentment. Her parents' dismissal of Sirius's choices only intensified her own feelings of obligation. When he had become the family disappointment, their attention had shifted sharply to her. She was now the pride of the Black family-the dutiful daughter, molded into the perfect representation of their ideals.

Her father's expectations weighed heavily on her shoulders. He often cornered her with lectures about family honor, the importance of pure blood, and the legacy of their name. "You must uphold our family's ideals, Selene," he would insist, his gaze stern. "You're our hope now. Don't let us down."

With every word, Selene felt the suffocating pressure to be perfect, to comply with their rigid expectations. She had never dared to reveal her true feelings about Sirius's choices, knowing that any hint of sympathy for him would be seen as betrayal. Their bond had been severed so completely that even the mention of his name felt like a taboo in her home.

As she finished packing, Selene could hear her parents arguing downstairs, their voices rising and falling in frustration. Since Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor, the conversations had become more charged-full of disappointment over their "lost son" and praise for their "promising daughter."

Selene sighed, the weight of her role settling heavily on her chest. Despite being under the same roof, she felt utterly alone. The love and camaraderie they once shared had been replaced with a palpable tension, and the guilt of being the favored child gnawed at her insides. She longed for the days when they could laugh together, share secrets, and dream of their futures side by side.

But now, with every passing year, that longing only deepened the divide. She stood there, suitcase in hand, feeling the distance that had grown between them like an unbridgeable gulf. Even now, as she prepared to return to Hogwarts, a familiar sense of dread washed over her.

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