Math Notes

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I sit in boredom, leaned back in my chair. I stare at the desk I sit in and smirk, taking my pencil and writing against the wood.

Anyone else sit here?

I decide on, not really expecting a written response. The bell rings, and just like the rest, I stand and make my way to the front before leaving the room. The next day, I walk into class and head to my unassigned-but-assigned seat. Sitting in it and looking over my note, noticing a response.

Yepppp it read and I tilted my head, smiling to myself.

Christopher, yours?
Lily. How old are you?

I walk into class, noticing someone else sitting at my desk. I quickly walk over and stare down at the red head girl. "Move." I tell her and she furrows her brows as she looks up at me. "Excuse me?" The girl asks and I get in her face, "move your ass off my seat. Before I make you." I threaten and she swallows herself in fear, getting up and walking away. "God," I say before I sit in my seat and look over the note. It was almost erased by a very recent wipe, but the latest response is still there somehow. His age, he's only a year older.

I'm sixteen, and a sophomore... is that a problem?
Nopeeee, I'm a junior
Cool, should we meet?

I don't know why I asked to meet with someone I don't even know. But I did, and I regret it. But the worst he can do is say no, or stop replying.

Nah, I don't really do that. Why don't you just give me your number?

I read as I sit down at the desk the very next day.


I reply and write down my number, I don't know why I did. Anyone else can get it and text me, but I did it.

I'll text you

I sit at home, watching TV til my phone buzzes and catches my attention. "Hey, it's Christopher." I see and smile as I pick my phone up. "Hey, it's Lily." I reply and innerly cringe at myself. "Yeah, I know." He responds in a second and I smile.


Any plans this weekend?
Nothing but watching tv and laying in bed
I see
I'm probably gonna run the track
You're a track runner?
Mm, no
Football but I got hurt so I'm running atm
Could've just said football
I could've, anyways going to sleep
Night Lily
Goodnight Chris

Over the next several months we kept in touch, and I felt myself falling for him. So I went into the yearbook to search for him, but I couldn't find him so I figured he's new. So after math class I walked up to the teacher, wanting his last name so I can find his socials.

"Hey, who's Christopher? He's in your class, but what's his last name?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think there's a Christopher in my classes?"

"Really, he sits in the desk I sit in?"

"Honey... no one has sat in that desk in a while.
In fact, the last boy who sat at that desk died two years ago."

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