Chapter 6: Tooth and Claw Makes a Bond

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Tooth and Claw Makes a Bond

Throughout the semester, Sameer seldom heard Arthur speak unless the teachers asked a question directly at him or when he was paired up with anyone in class. So far, the bat still had a smile on his face, but he could tell from those foggy blue eyes, the Honduran white bat had a faraway look.

P.E. was tiring this morning. After morning stretches, the class was divided into two teams to play football where they kicked the ball into the opposite team's net.

Sameer thought the coach must have a sick sense of humour to put him as the goalkeeper while the opposite team had Tek, who didn't look too pleased. Then again, the Egyptian cobra knew how physical exercise could make one develop a healthy mind.

How can you have a healthy mind after this? Sameer thought to himself, doing his best to block the ball from entering the goal. This is making me tired!

One thing he dreaded the most was getting tired during the day. From his science class, he recalled that reptiles were very active during the day because of their cold-blooded nature. But staying too much in the sun could be harmful for their scales and insides.

Another thing, Sameer didn't want anyone to think he was just as lazy as those of the Pythonidae and Boidae species.

From his position, he sometimes wondered why the coach would let Arthur play since he can barely move without being shoved by the other players. However, the Honduran white bat proved everyone at the field wrong when he managed to kick the ball towards Sameer's direction.

Sameer decided not to think too much about it as he caught the ball with his hood flare up.

"Wow, so the hood is useful after all!"

"Quick-thinker just like the Judge himself!"

The Egyptian cobra inwardly cringed, not wanting to hear more of the comments saying that he was just like his father. He was not as serious as him nor was he a perfectionist like his mother. His sister, he thought to himself, never realised how lucky she was to avoid this kind of pressure.

With that, he decided to focus on the game.


Later during lunch, he opened his lunchbox to find his mother's home cooked meal prepared for him: bean and egg kabsa, a rice dish that was very popular from his mother's side of the family.

He was about to tuck into his meal when his forked tongue picked up a scent of another animal above him. It was none other than Arthur himself. Now, Sameer could just ignore the Honduran white bat by eating his meal but deep down he knew why he was here.

"Can't find a seat?" he decided to ask, flaring his hood a little bit. Not that it mattered since Arthur was blind. But the fluffy white bat shook his head.

"I came to find you. Well, it was confusing at first since my clicks picked up other snakes and I couldn't tell if it was you since I couldn't sense your hood. Um... If that's alright, can I-"

"Just say it," Sameer interrupted him. It's the least he could do after learning about what braille is. Not only that, but they also had a short lunch break before the next class.

"Well...I heard what you said yesterday, and I wanted to say I'm sorry if I bothered you," Arthur dropped his head into an apology. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I won't ask help from you again, okay?"

Sameer didn't even have time to reply because the bell rang. He sighed, knowing that recess was over, and a long day of class was resumed.


Sameer decided to stay back after school to finish his homework. While some of the students had parents waiting for them by the school gate, Sameer would slither his way home.

It gave him more time to himself and be alone with his thoughts so that he wouldn't talk like crazy. After all, he took his Baba's advice on how a slow slither home could make him think and speak clearly. It helped him to not make a fool of himself in front of everyone.

As much as he doesn't want to admit it, his father was a wise Egyptian cobra.

He was just packing up his bag when...


Frantically, his tail swept the desk, head darting in and out. He had lost something that was precious to him: his book about pyramids. He recalled leaving the book on the desk when he decided to slither around to clear his head.

That means that someone stole it! he thought angrily, ready to constrict himself around someone until his book was returned. It was a history book he had saved his pocket money to buy.

Now, he may not have the strong sense of smell like those of canines, but his forked tongue could detect changes in the air. So far, he could only taste the old, musty smell of books, hint of sweat and someone's apple juice.

His heart was pounding with fear that he might as well say goodbye to his book of pyramids and start saving his pocket money again to buy another. Sameer felt his hood was already extended to its full length.

He slithered from shelf to shelf, his head peeking through the books to find the culprit. Some of the students jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the cobra. They assumed it was just a snake behaviour.

Sameer inwardly felt his stomach constricting him from moving further. He was thinking about what his parents would think if he had come home later than four in the evening. Even his sister couldn't escape their parents' curfew and there was a reason for it.

His head suddenly cocked to one side, hearing someone huffing. Slowly, he followed the sound, feeling the small vibration on the ground come into contact with his body. When he found out what was causing the sound, his eyes narrowed into slits while his mouth open slightly to reveal his fangs.


There was a sudden blur of white fur and golden scales thrashing each other, causing an uproar amongst the students. Some were screaming, while others ran out, trying to call the teacher while the librarian tried to break up the fight.

The sounds that filled the chaos were a mixture of squeaks and hisses.

"Alright, break it up! No fighting in the library," the librarian, a white rhinoceros huffed. With ease, he hauled both the fluffy white bat and Egyptian cobra. Being tossed out of the library when others were watching was the most embarrassing thing Sameer had ever experienced.

What was even worse was that he was never getting his book of pyramids back!

"This is all your fault!" Sameer hissed; his hood fully extended. Arthur was glaring at his direction with those cloudy blue eyes. They were welling up with tears.

"What do you mean? I was trying to return a book to the shelf!"

"What are you doing in a library? You can't even see or read words!!"

Their argument drew a crowd. Some of the boys who went "Oooh" at Sameer's remark while others stayed clear. None of them expected the son of Judge Nadir to have a quick temper over a book.

"I'm trying....I-I want to try..."

"Trying isn't good enough!" Sameer spat, his fangs pricked Arthur's shoulder. Everyone gasped in horror at the sight.

Before anyone could do anything, teachers and the school's security guard had restrained Sameer from doing any harm to the trembling, tearful expression of the Honduran white bat. Some of the teachers consoled the crying bat while others were giving Sameer glares that could rival his father's.

Spoken too soon, his father had arrived in a taxi. And he doesn't look pleased to see him!

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