First Glance

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Chapter 1

Emily stepped into the bustling office building, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. This was her big break, the dream job she'd worked so hard for. She adjusted her blazer, took a deep breath, and followed the signs to her new department.

The office was bright, modern, and crowded with colleagues buried in stacks of paperwork and conversations. Everything seemed perfectly normal... yet, there was an odd prickling sensation on the back of her neck, like someone was watching her. She glanced over her shoulder but saw nothing unusual, just the usual office hustle.

"First day?" A friendly voice interrupted her thoughts. Emily turned to see a young woman with a welcoming smile and a colorful scarf. "I'm Sara, from marketing. Don't worry, you'll get the hang of things soon."

"Yeah, I'm Emily. Nice to meet you!" She forced a smile, brushing off her strange feeling.

As Sara chatted away, Emily tried to focus, but the odd sensation lingered. She scanned the open office floor again, hoping to catch a familiar face or perhaps the culprit behind that nagging feeling. But all she saw were busy coworkers, glued to their screens, too preoccupied to pay her any mind.

After settling at her desk and glancing at her packed agenda, Emily dove into her tasks. Hours passed in a blur, filled with training sessions, introductions, and emails. By the time she got a chance to stretch, the office had quieted down. Most people had already left, and the clock showed it was nearly 8 p.m.

As she gathered her things, she noticed an envelope lying on her desk. Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn't seen it there before. It was simple and unmarked, no return address, just her name in bold black letters.

Frowning, Emily opened it, her fingers trembling slightly. Inside was a single, typed sentence on a small piece of paper:

"I'm always watching."

Her blood ran cold, and she quickly glanced around the empty office. Shadows danced along the walls as the lights dimmed in power-saving mode. She tried to steady her breathing, reasoning it could be some kind of office prank. Maybe a joke to welcome the new girl. But as she held the note, a chill crept through her. It didn't feel like a joke.

With the note clenched in her fist, Emily hurried out of the office, her footsteps echoing in the silence of the empty hallway. The elevator doors closed behind her, and for the first time, she began to wonder if she'd made a mistake coming here.

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