The trap Tightens

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Chapter 5

Emily's fingers trembled as she powered off her computer, the haunting image of her apartment hallway still fresh in her mind. She clutched her bag tightly, deciding to head home early. But as she made her way out of the office, each step felt heavier, as though the walls themselves were closing in.

The walk to the parking garage was tense, her senses heightened as every shadow seemed to morph into a lurking figure. She kept glancing over her shoulder, her pulse racing with each creak and echo. By the time she reached her car, she was practically running, desperate to get out of the building's eerie silence.

Finally seated behind the wheel, she let out a shaky breath and checked her rearview mirror—empty. Trying to reassure herself, she started the engine and sped out of the garage, keeping a nervous eye on her surroundings.

The drive home was a blur. Her mind kept returning to the mysterious image of her apartment hallway, wondering if it was a threat, a warning... or both. As she parked and approached her building, her eyes darted around, searching for any sign of someone watching her. The building was quiet, bathed in the fading evening light, but Emily couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed.

The moment she entered her apartment, she locked the door and double-checked every window, every closet, every hiding spot. When she was finally alone in the stillness of her own space, she sank onto her couch, her mind racing.

She needed answers, and she couldn't rely on HR or security. They'd brushed her off once, and she couldn't risk depending on anyone else. With her heart pounding, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

She grabbed her laptop and started searching, looking for hidden cameras or spyware, anything that could explain how this stalker was tracking her movements so closely. The thought of someone hacking into her life, of knowing her every step, made her stomach churn, but she pushed through it. She had to find out.

After hours of scouring her apartment, she noticed something unusual—a small, black device hidden under her desk, tucked carefully behind her cables. Her blood ran cold as she realized it was a tiny camera, barely the size of a thumbtack. Hands shaking, she held it up to the light, feeling a mix of fear and anger bubble up inside her.

Whoever this was, they weren't just watching her at work. They had invaded her sanctuary, her home. She wanted to scream, to tear the place apart in search of more evidence, but she forced herself to breathe, to think clearly.

Instead, she decided to turn the tables.

The next morning, she went to work with a plan in mind. She would act as though she hadn't found anything, as though she were none the wiser to her stalker's tactics. She'd play along, bide her time, and wait for them to slip up. If they wanted to watch her, she'd make sure they saw what she wanted them to see.

As the day wore on, Emily kept her calm façade, forcing herself to act normally. She saw Sara at lunch and waved as usual, and she even stopped to chat with Mark, carefully studying his expression, his words, looking for any hint of guilt or deceit.

But as the workday neared its end, her phone buzzed with a notification. Another email, this time from a sender with no address at all.

"Good girl. Keep pretending."

Emily's heart dropped. She hadn't outsmarted them; they were still two steps ahead. This game she thought she could control was slipping further from her grasp. But in the next moment, anger flared up in her chest. She wouldn't let them win.

That night, she set up her own little trap, adjusting a small mirror near her apartment door to catch any movement, leaving her blinds slightly open to see if anyone was lingering outside. She knew it was risky, but she was past caring. If they wanted to play, then so would she.

Hours passed in tense silence. Emily sat on her couch, lights dimmed, waiting, every creak and shadow feeding her nerves. Just when she thought she'd made a mistake, that maybe her stalker wouldn't take the bait, she heard it—a faint rustling outside her door.

Her pulse raced as she tiptoed to the mirror's angle, just enough to catch a glimpse. There, standing outside her door, was a dark silhouette, motionless, as though they were listening, waiting for something.

Emily's hands balled into fists as she watched, barely daring to breathe. After what felt like an eternity, the figure moved, slowly disappearing down the hallway.

Once they were gone, Emily slumped against the wall, her mind a whirlwind of fear and defiance. This wasn't over. Whoever they were, they'd crossed a line—and she was ready to fight back.

But as she turned away from the door, she noticed one last thing—a new slip of paper, poking out from beneath the door. She picked it up with trembling hands, her heart sinking as she read the words scrawled in jagged handwriting:

"You can't hide from me."

It was then that Emily realized that her stalker wasn't just trying to scare her. They wanted control, to instill fear so deep that she'd never feel safe again.

But she'd show them just how wrong they were.

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