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July 13th, 2008,

The screams of a newborn baby echoed through the palace's front entrance, a simple Guard holding an infant child, crying out for its mother. The child, pale skin but eyes the brightest green anyone has seen.

"My King! My King!" The Guard shouted, running to the kings quarters. He couldn't believe someone would leave a newborn child alone at the gates.

Shoving past the two Guards stationed at the doors, surprising the King and Queen.

"What is it, Torin?" The King demands, standing from the desk, moving past the Queen. Eyes bright green and blazing with fury. The Guard Torin bows his head and brings forth the young child wrapped in silk, the baby had stopped crying, however its eyes wide with tears.

"My King... there is a letter." Torin hands the king the handwritten letter, the seal of the Dark Realm bold in red.

The King didn't have to open it to know who it was from and who this child is. Everyone in that room, are the only ones to know the truth of Baby Aerin Arondir.

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