Please let me know what you think! Always looking to improve!
The week went by quickly, my lessons with Idril and Nephinae weren't as brutal as I had already thought. They had made me study the basics of politics, how to be president of the student council and how to be a leader. They were oddly, quiet about the whole thing which makes me sceptical. But that matters not, I will not see them now until I go home for the Annual balls and Amanar Solstice.
The carriage rattles softly as I sit inside the cushioned vehicle, the road to the Academy only a day away. I should arrive by sundown.
My sisters were the only ones apart from Elle to say goodbye. Mother and Father still away in a meeting. That's okay, it would have made the goodbye harder. Sighing softly, I bring out a book, intending to read it however, the jostle of the carriage made a sharp turn, my body sliding to the other side. Luckily I caught myself with my hands before I could cause anymore damage.
The horses outside neigh loudly, the coachman's voice shouting in surprise. What is happening? I open the curtain to the outside, the coachman lying in the dirt on the side of the road, a shadowy figure standing over his body. A gasp leaves my lips and as if hearing me, the figures white hollowed eyes stare up at me before vanishing into thin air. "Don't forget who you are."
I get out of the carriage, pushing off with shaky hands and move to the coachman. He doesn't appear to be breathing, my heart racing at the thought of a dead man at my feet. People will for sure point fingers at me, the estranged daughter of the King of Light.
With a jolt, the coachman breathes in harshly, eyes opening wide with fear. Suddenly he sits up and draws his sword at his hip into the air behind us.
When there is nothing to be seen, he sheathes it.
"Are you okay, Your Highness?" He asks, looking over for any injury.
"Yes, I am fine. What was that?" I ask, looking around. The road seemed to have gotten weary, the sky now turning into dawn. The coachman shakes his head, weaving his hands in the air, the light magic working through his fingers. He's magically speaking to his partner connected to him through his soul. They call them Elvellon, soulbound partners that enhance their magic if worked together. My sisters were lucky and found themselves be Elvellon.
"I'm not sure but we must make haste." He ushered me into the carriage and we set off, moving at a faster pace, no longer a relaxed ride to the Academy.
My mind was racing the whole way, wondering what that shadow like figure was and how the coachman was dead... then breathed back into life. The echoey words 'don't forget who you are', haunting and beating against my thoughts. I don't understand what happened and now I'm expected to brush it off. I might investigate this further back at the Academy.
I brush off my now changed uniform, my hands shaking and clammy as I get closer to the humming Windhollow Academy. I can feel its magic beating softly, the barrier of protection singing its praises as we pass through the fresh hold. I observe out the window, eyes widening at the scene in front of me.
In front of me was a large white and grey building, two large skyscraper towers watching over the smaller ones. Light Realm magic users wonder the grounds, lush greenery decorating the area. My carriage rolls in smoothly and students watch with curious eyes. The whispers would have already moved around by now, gossip. That's all it is.
Once the carriage was stopped, I waited for the coachman to open the door and let me out. I had to hold my head up high, show them that the princess of the Light Realm was strong.
When the door opened, I stepped out and was greeted by the High Headmaster Naome Balister.
I watch as his bows in respect, the bold headed man in white robes respecting the princess. I wave for him to rise, smiling.
"No need, I am your student here and I should be respecting you." Headmaster Naome gave me a sincere smile, "Thank your Princess Aerin. Now, you must have had a long trip so lets get you settled into your room."
I walk side by side with the Headmaster, making small talk as we head to the living quarters. Students gawk and curtsy as we move past, but I tend not to take notice as its rude to stare.
We come to a stop, the headmaster pushing the large brown door open, revealing a large open room, a canopy bed to one side of the room, seating area and an open stone bathroom. I frown at it all, looking at the Headmaster to object but he holds a hand up. "His Majesty said you wouldn't like it but every student who attends gets their own room. Yours's is just slightly nicer as you are our Princess."
"Yes however I should be treated like everyone else, Headmaster Naome." I reply, a little frustrated. I couldn't help it coming out as such but I thought that while being here, away from the pressure of my family I could actually be a normal person. I guess not.
"As you will. Tomorrow lessons start and your application to be Council President will be presented in the assembly tomorrow morning. I will have someone show you the way. Now," He gives me a light pat on the shoulder and moves away from the door. "Rest well, Princess Aerin." And with that, he was gone, leaving me all alone.
Students had popped their heads out of their dorm doors down the hall, watching and gawking. I shake my head and walk inside my room, closing the door behind me.
I miss Elle. She would always comfort me with a new flavour of tea and treat me with a good story. Sighing softly, I move to the balcony and open up the doors to see the view.
I do must say, I have a nice lookout, the mountains covered in fog and cloud giving off gloomy vibes. Then if you look lower is the castle, my home and further down lush hills leading to the Academy. I sense eyes and find a girl leaning against a building wall, staring at me with blank eyes. I couldn't see her to clearly, but I feel like she was smirking. Before I could get anything in, she lifted of the wall and walked away, her bright blonde hair waving behind.
I have a feeling that this adventure will be interesting.

Veil of Deception
FantasyAerin, the youngest Princess in the Light Kingdom has never fitted into the criteria of a Light Elf. Instead of bright hair and tanned skinned, Aerin pales in comparison. And, her powers have come in late, casting even more judgment and concern from...