Chapter 16: Meeting in disguise

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he following week, Hao began to take small, cautious steps toward opening up to his family about Hanbin. It started with a casual mention here and there, slipping Hanbin’s name into conversations with his parents as someone he worked with and spent time with.

One evening, as Hao sat at the dinner table with his parents, he worked up the courage to bring up Hanbin. His mom was talking about family friends when he decided to slip it in.

“Speaking of people we spend time with, I’ve got a friend who’s become pretty close to me,” he said, trying to keep his tone light. “His name’s Hanbin. We work together at the café.”

His mom looked up, curious. “Oh? What’s he like?”

Hao felt his heart pick up speed, but he forced himself to smile. “He’s… he’s really interesting. He loves dancing—he’s got this energy that makes everyone feel comfortable.” He chuckled, feeling his words flow a bit more easily as he spoke. “He’s a bit blunt, but he’s genuinely caring. Just… different from a lot of people I know.”

His father listened thoughtfully, nodding. “It’s good to have friends like that, ones who make you feel understood,” he said with a small smile. “You should invite him over sometime. It sounds like we could all use someone with that kind of spirit around.”

Hao blinked, surprised at his dad’s openness. It was rare for his parents to show interest in meeting friends outside of his usual circles. “Yeah, maybe I could bring him by sometime,” he said, his heart feeling a bit lighter.

His mom gave a warm smile. “It’d be nice to meet this Hanbin. You’ve been talking about him a lot,” she noted with a gentle laugh. “You must be very close.”

The way she said it made Hao’s stomach flip with a mix of nerves and hope. He knew this was just a small step, but it felt monumental. His parents’ genuine interest gave him the courage he needed, and he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to share more about his relationship with Hanbin.

Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, Hao texted Hanbin.

> Hao: I told my parents about you tonight. Just a little bit, but they want to meet you.

> Hanbin: Really? That’s awesome my love, How’d it feel?

> Hao: Nerve-wracking. But good. Really good.

> Hanbin: I’m proud of you 💓. Whenever you’re ready for them to meet me as more than just a “friend,” I’ll be there.

Hao smiled at his phone, feeling a warmth blossom in his chest. For the first time, the future didn’t feel so daunting. And with Hanbin by his side, he felt ready to take even bigger steps forward.

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