Eliot and Diana hurried to protect the school from Alastor and some possied people. Eliot used the skills he had to knock the men back to their sense and Diana sometimes had to age them down to make them not a threat. They worked together and had to work hard because Alastor was very tough foes to beat.
Eliot used his skills like Golden Sun clap to stun them and use a sword he drew to cut down of the beings of pure darkness and us a cane to knockout the people. They soon confronted Alastor.
Alastor said with a mischiveuos smile said "Well, Well, Well Looks Like a Solaris Is Rebelling Against me, I will crush you in 3 seconds FLAT!"
Eliot soon conter by saying "No We will win!"
Alastor justed laugh an soon shot them with a chaos bullet that EXPLODED on contact (with a explosion that can destory Asia) with the floor knocking them back and they hit the ground hard and Daina was knocked out. "How truly foolish" Alastor said in a cold voice "You think you would trupimh but yet here you are one the floor" "No" Eliot thought. He had enough, he had to do sonething. He stood up to face Alastor the Immortal Darkness. "I can't let you live anymore Alastor." Eliot said in a voice that was had some fear. "Oh really, You are just some weak person I will always be back no matter how hard you try to get rid of me I will always be back as I am immortal." Alastor boasted. Eliot then at that moment remember that he had the princial as antoher descenet and the thought of him made his light powers glow as bright as the sun that cuaght Alastor off guard "WHAT THE F-" He didn't even get a chance to finish the sensetence before being blasted with a plasma beam. Eliot so said a few words "Alastor the Immortal Darkness! You days of torment and rebirth END HERE!" He soon fired a powerful beam of light that began to atomize Alastor and burning all the darkness away. "NO! THIS CAN"T BE HAPPENING! HOW COME I AM NOT HEALING!" Alasor began to freakout. Eliot Used a Sunlight Red AfterBurn to make sure nothing was left for Alastor to be reborn from and after it was done, Alastor was no more and his army was free from the mind control and the school and the world was safe forever.
Eliot looked sad, So he then drew alastor agian and when he reapper and before he could act Eliot grabbed him and made Alastor glow a white light. "What,How is this happening!? You ended me!" Alastor shouted. Eliot stay quiet and he start to remove the darkness out of Alastor in a bright flash that can be seen from space it ended, Diana was confused after she woke up. "What did you do to Alastor? She asked. "I took away his immortal darkness and sended it to the highest heaven and now his asleep now, I should have not killed him and now I feel bad for the act, I will fix myself but now the Imortal darkness reign is over." Eliot said. And so every one in bolvars finally accept light as a element and Eliot proved to everyone that just because you started off on the wrong foot doesn't mean you can better the world.
Elemental Rebellion
ActionA story about a boy with light powers being forced to join a gang and having to turn the gang into peacekeeper by taking power the leader with the power of literal chaos elemt powers, Alastor in a world with fire, dark, light and art element magic c...