Again (Juric)

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Eric stood in front of the crowd, looking at him expectantly as he started to speak, locking eyes with his best friend, "Choi Chanhee- God where do I start? If I'm being honest- me and him weren't even that close when we were young, we were complete opposites- him the popular pretty student and me the quiet nerd- I know I can't believe it either-" laughter erupted as everybody shook their head, some remembering the memories while some awed at the friendship. "It all started when I was in my second year of Uni, I had run away from home for a small vacation and that's when I met him again, along with Younghoon- the groom and Sunwoo and-" Eric had spoken with such a content flow that he had almost said his name, someone he hadn't seen or even heard from for the past 4 years. And though he said he moved on, he knew deep down he never did, he never could. "-Juyeon. We grew such a bond over the trip that when we returned, me and Chanhee decided to move in together; one of my best and worst ideas ever. Chanhee was a wild disaster- he still is and I'm sure you'd agree- but that's what makes him so lovable. I've seen his 'I'm too hot to date' phase, his wild hair colour phase- I must say the red and pink were my favourite, and his 'I am a painter' phase where all of our apartment would be filled with canvas' and smell like paint the whole month. But as wild as Chanhee is, he's just as lovable and adorable. So Kim Younghoon, I know you're one of my best friends but if you dare to hurt my Princess I will have no choice but to cut your dick off-"

"Yah! Eric!" Younghoon stood, his hand clutching his chest in fake hurt, and Chanhee stood, walking over to Eric and hugging him; Younghoon and Sunwoo soon joined them. All of the people started to cheer for them as they admired the boys.

"Now- how could you possibly have a group hug without your best friend?" They all heard the voice through the speakers but they couldn't see anyone, suddenly all light pointing to the stage where he stood, all in his glory- Lee Juyeon.

Eric felt like all time had stopped, there he was, his first love. The one and only person who managed to steal his heart and keep it with him. Juyeon walked over to them as Chanhee ran to him, jumping in his hands as Juyeon pinned him. Juyeon put him down, walking over and embracing Younghoon and Sunwoo before they let him go, allowing him to see Eric who stood there frozen.

"Eric? God- Nerdy is that you?" Juyeon teased Eric, who finally unfroze and scoffed,

"Nerdy? I am no longer the person you knew, Lee Juyeon." Eric taunted, and Juyeon smiled softly, allowing his hands to rake through his blonde hair with the dark blue highlights, a complete contrast to the messy brown locks that he had last seen him with.

"I can see that," Juyeong replied as Eric almost leaned in the touch. Juyeon's hands seemed so warm, and he would let Juyeon do that forever- no, Eric needed to stop; he couldn't fall deeper. 

Soon everyone started to talk, congratulating the couple for their engagement and talking excitedly about the marriage that was in 3 days. Eric, Chanhee, Younghoon, Sunwoo and Changmin (Sunwoo's boyfriend) all stood outside by the pool, catching up with each other about their life. 

"So, how long are you staying here, Juyeon?" Sunwoo asked, gaining the attention of the others, too; Eric eagerly wanted to hear the answer, but after hearing his answer- his heart couldn't help but shatter a bit. 

"I'm leaving the night after the wedding," Juyeon answers, his smile faltering a bit- mimicking the expression of others tho they soon changed the topic to avoid thinking about the heartbreaking separation. Eric, however, felt his chest tighten, the familiar feeling of heartbreak, upset, anger, and so many emotions he could not control filling his chest. 

Eric excused himself, not wanting to suffer from a panic attack in front of everyone. He went to the rooftop, taking deep breaths while pacing around, and after he had calmed down, he decided not to go down, sitting by the pool after rolling up his trousers to his knees.

"Why aren't you coming down?" He heard a voice but he was far from being startled as he watched the male walk closer to him, crouching down before dipping his fingers in the water before retracting them just as fast. "Holy fuck this is cold!" He yelped.

Eric laughed, with all his chest. "You're still the same goofy Juyeon that I remember." He said, his laughter dying down and Juyeon sat next to him criss-crossed. He was left with a bittersweet feeling.

"And you are still the same Eric, someone who laughed so freely... Someone who was only born to be"

"Loved?" Eric finished, remembering the words the older had told him the night before he left.

Juyeon nodded, his smile seemed to hold back many words that he didn't know if he could speak. "So are you... In a relationship?" Juyeon asked carefully as he didn't know what to expect; he didn't know what he wanted to hear either. Did he want the younger to be in a relationship? That the younger was happy and in love? With someone who wasn't him? Or did he want the younger to be single so he still had a chance...? Was the younger willing to be with him?

Eric shook his head with a bitter smile 'I'm waiting for you, Hyung.' "No one has managed to steal my heart hyung." 'Other than you." Juyeon smiled at him,

"Me neither, Youngjae-ya" Eric froze; that was his Korean name, and no one except Juyeon called him that; it had been so long since he- or someone- called him that name. Eric's eyes welled up with tears as he looked at Juyeon, who saw the tears brimming, a couple spilling out, but Eric had no intention of letting them stop.

"Youngjae what-"

"Hyung, why can't you love me?" Eric asked, his voice breaking as his throat dried up.

"Youngjae-" Eric's chest hurt every time he heard that name come from the older's mouth. He would never let anyone else call him by that name, but he knew that if he heard it again, he might just end up more in love and that- was not healthy.

"Please, Hyung, if you can't love me, then don't call me that; if you can't love me, then don't look at me with such love in your eyes, hyung. It hurts looking at you. It makes me wonder why you can't love me if I was made to be loved. If you keep calling my name with such care and look at me with your eyes sparkling then... I will fall deeper than I already did, again... and you won't... again." Eric tried to stop his voice from breaking but he could not help but cry- all the bottled pain, anger and other emotions overflowed.

Juyeon pulled him for an embrace, but Eric didn't lean; he couldn't, but Juyeon pulled him stronger, and Eric couldn't help but cry more into the warmness he had been craving. "Youngjae-yah, who said I don't love you? I admit I was scared of love; it was new, and I had never felt such a strong feeling for anyone before, and the only thing I did was avoid you. But being away from you for so long has taught me that the strong feeling was nothing to be afraid of- I am willing to let myself drown in this emotion called love if you are willing to dive in with me." Juyeon spoke, finally letting out all the words he had practised a million times. Eric heard every single word; he was shocked, to say the least. "So?"

"B-But- you're leaving the night of Chanhee's wedding, you're going to leave again," Eric spoke; he knew that long distance could work, but for how long?

"Baby, I won't go if you don't want me to; four years away from you was enough. What's the point of touring the world if I don't have my world with me?"

Eric blushed, "I am willing to drown with you hyung, if you promise to never let me go."

"I promise, Youngjae-ya"

"And kiss!" cheers erupted from behind the two boys who blushed furiously when they saw Younghoon, Chanhee, Sunwoo and Changmin standing there cheering loudly.

"GUYS!" The new couple yelped.

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