After making various preparations for the banquet.The New Years Eve banquet was just right around the corner, happening in a couple days' time. I've helped Make most of the preparations for it as expected while talking it over with the Empress and Emperor making sure that They approve of what I'm doing. I had planned for it to be joyous festival with some of the most exquisite Fireworks that the empire will be able to see; surprisingly this Is the only time where the southern and western part will have a rest From their uproar before they start again
I never liked large gatherings, That's what I despised. Whenever I had to make an appearance like this, It teared whatever part of my soul apart as a different scenario would happen to myself - I'd get poisoned Or assassinated in some way by something who only wants to bring me down..
“I'm not dying, not here.. not in this life” I muttered to myself as I observed the servants who were getting the Main Hall ready for the New Years Eve Banquet.
“ …”
“Princess?” A familiar voice called out to me
Quickly turning Around, I saw Leonardo looking at me.. weird? He never once appeared when I planned any of this in my other lives - he was always too busy fondling over her.
“Your highness” I say calmly as I look at him, greeting him as I lift my Skirt up.
“You're still using formalities, why?”
“Is it not proper court etiquette? Your Highness”
“Well yes? Princess, I suppose there is that point’
“But we are to be the rulers of this empire someday” The Crown prince lied as he slightly gritted his teeth, we both knew he only wanted the Countess by his side
Leonardo, staring at me For longer than he needed to. What was he? Admiring someone who he kept pushing aside?
It wasn't making sense, none of these lives made sense.
“Your Highness?” I muttered As I looked at him, My voice somewhat calm and composed
“Would you atleast… Dance with me for the first section for the Banquet then?”
“After that? You can do what You want”
“Whatever pleases you the best after that”
I took a pause as I felt the rest of my words slightly catch In my throat As I looked at him, dumbfounded. How could I ever love this man in my last lives I lived? I hated myself.
I wanted nothing more than to tear myself apart about how much I used to love him, Why is it? That when you love someone enough with your whole heart and they betray You.“Why is she acting like this?”
“Did i do something to offend her”
The crown prince muttered to himself as he walked away from the Crown Princess.
She's pretty, why did I not know she had such beauty hidden beneath that Cold exterior of hers? The duchess… She's quite mesmerising… What am I thinking to myself?
Leonardo De Von Montreal- get a hold of yourself for once, you're not meant to love her.. it's a marriage of convenience with an easterner…. You should only have your eyes on her - Rose.I can't tell what Elisabeth is thinking due to her Usual blank and cold expressions but the way she shuts herself down when She is beside me… Does it enlighten me? It makes me want her more, more than a wife… What Am I thinking? She's nothing more than a political pawn being used by her father to gain some power and Authority when The Grand Duchy of Murcadina already has enough of it.
“Ah! Your Highness!” I called out as I turned to look at him only to see him slam the door to The Main Hall. Causing the servants to whisper and muttered among themselves while putting the decorations out.
Simply speculating on what happened between the Crown Prince and Princess.
“I heart that his Majesty doesn't like the Crown Princess that much”
“What really?”
“No wonder he seems So cold and distant”
“Mary , psh.. I've still Heard They have yet to spend their first night together”
“What really?”
“Yeah? I heard it from Carol”Taking no notice of the servants as I kept re-reading out the long list of invitations In my head, I needed to find a way to restore Mine and Leonardos Relationship… I Know he hates me for a reason? I just don't understand why it is.
I might have been a selfish and rude bItch in my last lives… Is this the karma for that? All the hurt and pain I caused in my 40th life? Is this why he treats me like I'm dead… Like I live quietly as if I'm a mouse who surely lives to scurry between the walls of this place.
Is this how I'm being punished?
Is this How these divine beings seek out to punish me for how I acted in my 40th life?
“Reincarnation?” I muttered to myself as I leaned against the railing on the second floor of the main floor
“Tsh - I never asked for that … I never asked to be reborn so why”
“One life? It was enough wasn't it?”
Feeling the dread and fear of the social Gatherings that surrounded me as my status of being the Crown Princess of Rodwine. I knew something would always go down and it would end wrongly or wrongly.
The fear in my chest was palpable - I feared the unknown, I feared this life and I don't even know what Timeline I'm on. It's scary.*
Suddenly , a wave of joyous and happy memories Between me and Leonardo from my first life flashed through My eyes…it felt real.. It Was real, though it might not be in this timeline anymore , we always Did everything together and nothing could separate us - until he met that woman that convinced him she is better than myself in every aspect that she could be a better empress when all she wanted was power.“Elisabeth? Ellie!”
“I promise i'll always love you, You'll be the empress of Rodwine one day”
“One day?”
“Yes one day my darling”
And? How it went downhill? Like a storm coming to hit a land wanting to destroy it? A conqueror wanting To claim more than it can have?
Infertility, I couldn't get pregnant.. I couldn't guarantee an heir or one at all - it's the price I always payed for having this ability That the divine beings have blessed me with…
Quickly, snapping Back out of my memories as quickly as they sacked me into them. I turned around as I then walked out of the door of the Main Hall before glancing back over at the opulent building with the same carvings engraved onto it in the pillars, a love.. Not mine and Leo's as it would never have been a thing. But of the first Emperor of this land who had quite the tragic love story with his wife.. their initials etched into the pillars reading A+E” - Emperor Avarius I Von Montreal and Empress Consort Euphemia, Tragic a story that shouldn't have happened In the first place.
How the story ended was quite similar To how my first life ended, a sword to my own throat..
.. However myself and Euphemia didn't have the same reason for our death. Hers was treason as he plotted against Her husband and planned to put his nephew on the throne, While mine? It was out of Leonardo's own greed and selfishness to have Rosette In my place.

This Life Will Be My Last
FantasyElisabeth Valois, the once well renowned Grand Duchess of Murcadina. After being murdered brutally by her Husband and his mistress, Elisabeth comes back to the everlasting same scenario and situation that she is faced with, moments before her end. T...