Sent 2:12 A.M'war r uuu'
Sent 2:14 A.M'i mioss yu'
Sent 2:19 A.M'i want yolu bwwk'
Sent 2:20 A.M'hahwaha that sinf'
Sent 2:27 A.M'i wabt yu bac i wnt y bck'
Sent 2:29 A.M'OHG'
Sent 2:30 A.M'hahs'
Sent 2:30 A.M'miles are you drunk'
Sent 2:33 A.M'nooppp'
Sent 2:35 A.M'noty all'
Sent 2:36 A.M'whos with you? where are you?'
Sent 2:37 A.M'mfrwend he dricin'
Sent 2:42 A.M'driving?'
Sent 2:42 A.M'ya hat'
Sent 2:43 A.M'where are you'
Sent 2:45 A.M'idonkno ket me askk'
Sent 2:47 A.M'hw sad yuu drunb milly'
Sent 2:51 A.M'he fwinnyy'
Sent 2:54 A.M'okay'
Sent 2:56 A.M'why are you texting me'
Sent 2:59 A.M'cse none wull'
Sent 3:05 A.M'im rydew'
Sent 3:06 A.M'theyyre wirds'
Sent 3:11 A.M'guess so'
Sent 3:12 A.M'go to sleep miles, seeya'
Sent 3:13 A.M'NO'
Sent 3:15 A.M'cnt ell me wat todo'
Sent 3:17 A.M'then try to call me'
Sent 3:19 A.M'okk'
Read 3:19 A.MCalling: MilesNotInches(:
Call Me Later
Short Story'do you have time to talk right now?' 'no, i'm with my cousins' 'when can we talk?' 'i don't know, just call me later' - where a girl asks to call him, and the boy always says 'call me later'