1 | Library

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I walked through the library, my foot steps muffled by the carpeted floor. After reaching the "Historical Heroes" section, known as the " Dead Ghosts" among the idiotic student body, I take my seat in the corner.
Let me explain, because I'm sure you're thinking something along the lines of 'Who spends their free time during school reading through the biographies of dead people?'
One, it's not my free period or lunch. I'm skipping Physical Ed class because I really dislike team sports and the teacher really dislikes me.
Two, I'm not reading through any books, I'm getting a head start on homework and scrolling through tumblr.
Okay, are we all cleared up now? Good.
The sound of my clicking keyboard is disturbed by a sigh and groan coming from my left. That section is "Worldwide Modern Nonfiction", which is neither worldwide nor modern, but also never even touched by an student.
I push my laptop aside, and pull some of the dusty books into my lap from the eye-level shelf. And I am greeted by a surprise.
"What are you doing in the library?" I question aloud, in amazement and disbelief. Why? Because next to me is Christopher Lowe, the most popular jock in school.
"What are you doing spying on me?" He asks, an arrogant grin etched into his face.
"I'm not spying, you and your heavy breathing was annoying," I say in a 'duh' tone, "Shouldn't you be telling perverted jokes to your friends while Harper tries to get your attention?"
"I broke up with Harper, and I'm hiding from her. So I'm coming up with a plan to make her understand and giving you the honour of looking at me," he explains, "Even a nerd like yourself should be updated on the latest school gossip."
"Well, now that I am, good talk." I say, eager to get back to my English paper since it is due in 24 minutes, making a move to place the books back on the shelf.
"Do you not love my company?" He asks, with a tone that implies I just offended him greatly.
I roll my eyes and keep typing something about the government and taxes. I don't even know what I'm suppose to be writing, to be completely honest. I hear the muffled sound of foot steps and look up.
"I got it." Christopher says as he comfortably sits down next to me. I awkwardly shift closer to the left, but he doesn't notice, "It's perfect."
"Congratulations?" I question, copying facts into my word document.
"Yes! I can't believe how smart I am sometimes." At this, I look up at him. Even with being so good looking, he can barely get away with saying things like that.
"Okay, so why don't you put that smartness to work and let me finish my paper." I say, with only having 23 minutes left.
"Ah, but you see, you are going to help me, so the paper is gonna need to wait." He clicks his tongue with fake regret.
"Uhh, no I'm not and no it won't."
"Listen to my plan and then you can finish," without waiting for my agreement - he continues to speak,"to make Harper leave me alone, I need to get a girlfriend. The rest of the cheerleaders won't work, they won't agree cause of some 'girl code'. None of the computer nerds are female, no science geek is hot enough. The goths scare me, and the student council and other extra activity addicts won't be able to give the help I need."
"Well that was a great analysis, you can leave now." 18 minutes.
"But that's were you come in," okay, that was a shocker, "With a little touching up you can be made hot and sexy. And, Harper has never liked you. So you're perfect." he finishes, so proud and confident.
"I'm not gonna be you're girlfriend."
"Fake girlfriend, and any other girl would kill to be in your position. why not you? I mean -"
"Look, Mr. I-get-what-I-want-whenever-I-want, just because your last name is practically 'popularity' doesn't mean everyone adores you. I have 12 minutes to finish this paper, print it, and get it onto Mrs. Michealsons desk. I don't have time for this now." I say, my voice woven through with irritation.
"You're perfect for this, I'm a genius."
"If I agree to hear out the rest of your genius plan will you shut up so I can do my work? Because it's worth a 25% of my grade."
"Yeah, I'll be by your locker after classes."

I try to keep writing my paper, but that seems impossible. I'd just gotten involved in something so stupid in freshmen year. I'd gotten involved with Mr Popularity, who's making me do something incredibly stupid. He wants me to be the new Ms Popularity, even if I'm the fake one.


Hi guys! So this is my first ever written chapter. Let me know what you think and wether I should continue or...

!! The images one the cover do NOT belong to me. I found them on google search images. !!

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