In a world where love had to be earned I would never be good enough. I was the black sheep in the family, the witch without magic.
While my sister excelled in every type of way I had to suffer in silence, tormented by the people I should ha...
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Even though my body was still heavy with exhaustion my stomach didn't seem to mind. Small explosions sparked in my midriff, leaving me in a state of awe.
The kiss had ended a few minutes ago but while burying my face against his chest I still felt the sensation of his slightly rough lips against mine. Even the taste was lingering on my tongue, planning to remain there for a few more hours.
So yes, although I was tired I felt completely at ease right now. Finally all of my concerns were silenced or even better eradicated.
"Let's get out of this place" Ronan grunted while lifting my weight into the air as if it was nothing. With each step I slightly bounced but felt relieved that I didn't have to walk on my own. My limbs felt like jello, meanwhile my head was spinning.
Still, I had to ask : "Are you sure that you want to carry me? It's not like I am light like a feather..." I whispered into his neck.
"Really? Could've mistaken you for one" he said, shocking me with the slight sarcastic undertone.
"Just let me do this after everything that happened" he then replied more sternly which instantly made me bury my face further into his chest to hide my smile.
"Please don't think that this was your fault. I made this decision on my own." It was as if he held me even tighter after hearing those words said aloud.
"You shouldn't even have been in the position to make that decision" he replied with a tinge of ice in his voice. It was obvious that he was the strictest with himself out of all people. He was a perfectionist while I was pure chaos.
"Promise me you won't scare me like that again" he demanded roughly.
"Were you scared for me?" I asked although I still heard the echoes of his bitter cries in my head. Maybe I shouldn't have said that but I wanted to distract him from his demand because I couldn't fulfill it. I couldn't promise him when I knew that I would do it again.
"Scared?" He scoffed angrily. "I was fucking terrified. Maybe you don't realize but people care about you. So promise me" he repeated his demand. I had to swallow at the gravity of his words. Suddenly my voice was dry, a large frog blocking my throat.
Shit, I had hardly recovered from his cries. Without a doubt I was a terribly emotional person but seldomly it was sincere gratitude I felt.
And right now it felt like tears would drown my face at any moment because it finally felt like I was accepted. Maybe it was embarrassing that all I ever strived for was acceptance and it was pathetic that I shed a tear at the mere thought but I couldn't change myself. I hated feeling alone.
"Same goes for you" I spoke almost inaudibly. I could tell that he didn't want to agree. The fact that he had survived for so long on the battle field only proved that he was incredibly strong but that didn't mean that he was immortal. I knew that he felt pressured to save any and everyone but now I was here. And I hoped that I was important enough to him for him to care.