Chapter 2.

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       So we're here... This is actually about to happen... Once I step through these gates, my life is going to change forever...
      I look across at Yato-Sama; he's stood there with the goofiest grin I've seen in my life.

      I stare at the letter in my trembling hand...

      Unable to comprehend the fact that this is real...


       Dear Miss M. Mei,

      You have hereby been invited to join her majesty in the prestigious crowning of the Fairy Queens ball.

      You have been selected to participate in the election to find the new Fairy Queen.

      If you should be fortunate enough to win this honour you will thus be presented with the Fairies RedStone Crown.

      The crown will see you as a member of the fabled and royal families as a Lady of high rank and thus authority over the fabled Fairy Lands for as long as you hold the noble title.

      Please find enclosed directions to FireHood Manor, and be present this invitation upon your arrival at the manor.

      You are permitted to bring one guest along with you to the ball and crowning ceremony.

      We look forward to your arrival,


L. A. Meadows,

Lady of the Manor.

      "You ready for this Misaki-Chan?"
      Yato-sama's voice made me jump, I had forgotten where I was, staring at the letter.

      "Ready as I'll ever be!" There was a shaky nervousness in my voice, even I could hear it. But I was excited, this was it. I could finally see inside the Manor that my mum used to tell me stores about... "The walls are encrusted with gems of every colour in the rainbow..."

      "Huh? You say something?"

      "No, sorry, just thinking out loud" What was this place actually going to be like in real life? I'd heard stories but never actually stepped foot inside.
      Not only was my dream of seeing inside the famous FireHood Manor about to come true, I stood in the ranks of four girls from across the world, handpicked by the previous Fairy Queen herself, to compete to be her successor and heir.
      The Fairy Lands are a place of legend, nobody but the Fairy Queen and her followers have ever actually seen it, but the legend goes that the Fairy Lands are actually home to real fairies.
      Not many people believe it these days of course, but that's the legend.

      Stood at the front door, if you can even call it a door, it's more like two large solid oak gates, each one at least 7 feet tall and 4 feet wide, with a labyrinth of intricate ivy stems and leaves carved into the wood face.
      After a few deep breaths to compose myself, I pull the thick rope hanging from a gold ring in the wall, presuming that was their form of door bell, which was soon confirmed by a powerful, deep bell chime, resonating through the door.

      There was no response for the longest time and I was about to pull the rope again, when there was a solid click from just inside.

      "Looks like there home after all. What do you think they're gonna be like?"

      Before I could even answer Yato's question, the door swung silently open. Standing in the threshold was a stern faced young lady, about the height of Yato-Sama, and can't have been more than two or three years older.
      Her hair was long and curly and very dark in colour, almost black, falling a little bellow her shoulder blades.
      Her eyes were a turquoise of crystal clarity, and her stair was piercing like daggers.

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