Chapter 3, Pt2.

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      It's been a couple of weeks since the incident at the park now, I've been texting back and forth with Terra since she gave me her number. I sent her the link to the video of us all in the park and she said she showed it to her friends, who all found it just as funny as me.

      Valkyrie is still living with us, and is set to stay for a few months. She was going to go home then things got complicated. I offered her to stay with us for a few months, sure Yato wouldn't mind, and she gratefully accepted after a few minutes of saying she didn't want to put us out. that argument was soon finished when I told her she would be doing the washing up for us anyway.

      "Hey, Yato-Sama?" I called from the kitchen. I was making breakfast and knew he had just walked into the living room by his footsteps.

      "What's up babe?"

      "Have we had any post today?"

      "Your letter from the manor hasn't arrived yet if that's what your fishing for."

      Damn... still not here. The Lady Lucy said the first test would be a month from the day we were there last, and that was only a week away now.
       If this letter takes much longer to arrive ill have no time at all to prepare.

      "MoonBoobs!?" Valkyrie's voice echoed from somewhere past the living room.

       "She's in the kitchen. what's up sis?" I heard Yato respond.
      I walked in with a plate of toast and sat down next to him, looking at Valkyrie, curious what she wanted.

      "I think this is for you. It doesn't have a name or address on it or anything, but it looks important. It has some weird imprint on wax or something on the back."

      "That's a wax seal! it's the old seal of the Manor! Misaki! this must be about your test!" Yato was nearly bouncing out his seat in excitement, though I think it was more to do with the seal on the back more than for what was going to be written inside this letter.

      "It's almost a shame to open it, it's such a beautiful seal, and they have even engraved the paper itself with gold leaf." I said, gently running my finger over the wax. The paper was slightly thicker than I was used to. It wasn't smooth like printer paper, or pure white either, more like a slightly cream colour.
      The seal was in a deep red wax, with a strange intricate design surrounding two letters; 'FH'.
      Around the wax were two beautiful feathers, etched in gold leaf seemingly within the paper itself.

      "Its parchment, similar but not quite the same as paper. this letter seems a lot more official than the last one. I wouldn't be surprised if it's been written with a feather dip quill too rather than fountain pen like your last one." explained Yato, still staring in awe at the seal.

      "Come on then! Open it!" shouted Valkyrie, far too excited to read a letter that she said was clearly for me.

      I run my finger underneath the seal, careful to peal it off without damaging the beautiful work or the parchment it's attached to.

      "Oh..." we all said in unison...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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