The room fell silent, questioning Enzo's anger for me, his assistant. Eyes that were wandering around the room moments ago were frozen still, clearly intimidated by Enzo's presence.
"If there is no news on who is defaming Lyric soon,
I will be investigating myself and someone will be loosing their job." Enzo turned back to his office, motioning at me so i'd join him.——————————————
He sat across from me in his chair, arms folded and breath staggered. As we walked into the room, he was sure to turn on the privacy glass and lock it carefully. Of course, this will only cause more rumors and suspicion to arise, but at this point it doesn't matter what other people think.
"Lyric," I nearly jumped when I heard Enzo call out to me, since his voice was agitated and firm. "Do you have any idea who could have possibly leaked this and made up such a disgusting rumor?"
I'm glad Enzo cares for my feelings, but, it's almost like he's more offended than I am. He eyeballed, prompting a response from me, "Well, quite a few people dislike me here. It's been like that since day one."
His eyebrow raised, "What do you mean?" he uncrossed his arms and sorted himself out, trying his best to present himself as understanding.
I looked down at my palms, twisting my thumbs together. I felt as nervous as I was when I had to tell the teacher I did something wrong in elementary school. "I thought the Nathan and Bryan incident kind of made that clear..."
"No," he sulked. "It didn't. Go on please."
I stared at Enzo for a moment, contemplating exactly how I should tell him how work has been for me without getting him angry like he was a second ago. I took a short breath in, and exhaled my words, "Since I started here, it's been kind of rough. You already knew about the menial tasks they sent me on... But, I don't think you realize the way they treated me doing those tasks either."
Enzo set up straight, pulling his chair closer into his desk. He brought his elbows onto the table, resting his hands underneath his chin.
"The other employees here don't have much respect at all for interns or newbies of any sort. Nathan, first off, is extremely... Crude he sexually harassed quite a few people, only verbally at least that I know of." I went on, each second making it easier to rant. Enzo sat still and listened eagerly. " I've been belittled, insulted, degraded, and treated unfairly in every section of this building. I'm lucky to have Margaret. Her kindness gets me through the day and at least gives me someone to sit with at lunch."
Enzo's eyes softened. " I'm sorry that you're going through this. I should be more aware of what's going on in my building. What would you like me to do?"
I felt a wave of relief pass through my body and disperse throughout the room. "You don't really have to do anything. It's getting better." I'm glad Enzo is giving me more of a choice.
"Are you sure? Lyric, I will do anything for you." He's reached his hand for mine that was resting on his desk. He held me softly.
I felt my cheeks redden from his sudden display of affection. "Y-yes." I spoke, pulling my hand away and lowering my gaze back down to the floor. "I don't want to stir the pot any more than it already is. You know how unforgettful people can be."
Enzo frowned, just slightly, and glanced at me with a thoughtful expression. "I understand, but you don't have to suffer here because of my inability to train my employees properly."
I appreciated his honesty, wanting to tell him to fire anyone that's even looked my way, but I had to be rational. "What were you thinking of doing?"
"That's not your worry, beautiful." He got up from his side of the desk. I traced his steps with my eyes, only to see that he'd find his way kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my hand, placing a soft kiss on it. "I don't appreciate you pulling your hand away from me. I locked the door for a reason.
I blushed, taken aback from his kiss, the warmth of it lingering on my skin. "W-we're at work, Enzo..." I stuttered, flustered and heart racing.
Still on his knees, he placed my hand onto my thigh and eyed my body. "You are beautiful, Lyric. I don't just say that."
I could tell his attitude shifted, creating a hot tension in the room. I felt nervous.
He moved his hand onto my thigh now, grabbing me softly. I felt the sensations of his touch travel up into the core of my body. "E-Enzo..." I mumbled.
"What?" He smirked, bringing his hand even higher up. "I can't touch you?"
I blushed heavily now, and even twitched a little with his sudden hand movement. "It's not that... we're just at work, Enzo..."
"Oh," he quickly moved his hand away, standing up right after. I was absolutely disappointed. My body expected more. "I understand."
"And... Done." I said, pressing send in the bottom of the email-screen.
I've been working on compiling anyone I'd find as a suspect to this, starting with Rebecca and Bryan. Bryan was acting fairly suspicious earlier and I don't wanna rule him out quite yet. After me and Enzo's... moment, he asked me to email report the things I've experienced here so far.
"How are you doing, girl?" Carol approached me with 2 cups of coffee, keeping one for herself and handing me the other.
"I'm fine." Truly, I felt embarrassed that me and Enzo's secret relationship was revealed, but glad I get to at least disprove a corrupt relationship between us, but I wasn't gonna tell her that yet.
"I already called several stations and demanded removal of the articles, Enzo sent out an email earlier..." She stared at me, curiosity in her eyes. "Though, I do wanna know... why is Enzo so protective of you? It's not that I'm accusing you of anything, but... he doesn't do this for other employees."
Something about her tone just rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think I can trust her. I've had mixed feelings about her up until now. "It's simply untrue. I work hard. I do my job right. I don't sleep with people to climb a social ladder. That's a crazy belief that only fools have."
I was unexpectedly harsh, causing Carol to raise her eyebrows and open her mouth a little. She definitely wasn't expecting me to snap. "I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to." She wobbled off, sitting back at her desk and avoiding eye contact with from me across the room.
Maybe I misjudged her, It could just be a stressful day and I hadn't really got a chance to express my anger yet.
I flipped my phone that was laying on my desk, revealing a message notification from an anonymous number.
(On phone)
217-717-5678 : Even at work?
+ 7 attachments(Off phone)
I opened up images, revealing multiple photos of Enzo making physical contact with me at work. There was a photo of us in the storage room, in the meeting room, in his office just now. My heart dropped, scared and furious by the invasion of privacy, but also confused on how someone could get all these photos without being... close to me.

I Need to Forget The CEO!!
RomanceLyric Beau, a 23 year-old Yale Graduate, is unsure what to do with her career. After applying to numerous companies (who prefer work experience over school experience) she finds a mysterious job advertisement for an "Office Assistant". The pay looke...